“Al regards to coatch: mistermurphy for making this suck entertaining game.
As your could guess Fashion Police were going to use their Strengh to take the little teenage girls down. And they made an good efort trying. Bashing and bashing and in the end killing 2 of them to.
But that wasent enough when the dices were against mistermurphy this day.
DoM was able to make 2 TD in the first half.
The second half went down to almoast only defending instead.
It wasent easy but they managed to keep it down to let 1 TD, and that was enough to save the game.
As an extra note i can tell that the Starplayer Nobbla Blackwart that had been hired in by Fashion Police was killed in the first half without have beeing able to make himself any usefull for them.”
As your could guess Fashion Police were going to use their Strengh to take the little teenage girls down. And they made an good efort trying. Bashing and bashing and in the end killing 2 of them to.
But that wasent enough when the dices were against mistermurphy this day.
DoM was able to make 2 TD in the first half.
The second half went down to almoast only defending instead.
It wasent easy but they managed to keep it down to let 1 TD, and that was enough to save the game.
As an extra note i can tell that the Starplayer Nobbla Blackwart that had been hired in by Fashion Police was killed in the first half without have beeing able to make himself any usefull for them.”