“Didn't look like the match was gonna go my way in the beginning. Some skulls and bad rolls on both parts sped up the 1st quarter.
Fouling the tree out of the match was a great help. Of course, Clavicle was ejected so that was it.
Basilar's niggling injury was a Turn 16 multi-dodge 1d crowd push. I had left Basilar next to the pitch to avoid the MV 9 WD. What I didn't expect was some no-RR-required-elfen-dodging-magic. I still made my TD after the throw in though. Imagine my surprise...
Fouling the tree out of the match was a great help. Of course, Clavicle was ejected so that was it.
Basilar's niggling injury was a Turn 16 multi-dodge 1d crowd push. I had left Basilar next to the pitch to avoid the MV 9 WD. What I didn't expect was some no-RR-required-elfen-dodging-magic. I still made my TD after the throw in though. Imagine my surprise...
gg and tks for the match.”