“Just horrible match. Had trouble taking his blodgers down, and I think there were no POWs in my dice. After first TD I take 10 dice against his sidestepper without getting him down and he ends up next to the ball (my bad). Soon after Flix gets 3 KOs for my 3 players that are nearest to the ball.
Well, I got 37 blocks, one broke elven armor. My dodge did not help, as he usually rolled only POWs. Counted 10 consecutive pows before one set had no pow, then back to normal. And my sauruses sitting in the KO-section. Just a game where I could do nothing. I ended the 7th turn in 2nd half with 2 sauruses on the field and nothing else. Luck got as high as it now went, because I managed to dodge away from TDs and pass the ball in the end. Most horrible game I've had so far.”
Well, I got 37 blocks, one broke elven armor. My dodge did not help, as he usually rolled only POWs. Counted 10 consecutive pows before one set had no pow, then back to normal. And my sauruses sitting in the KO-section. Just a game where I could do nothing. I ended the 7th turn in 2nd half with 2 sauruses on the field and nothing else. Luck got as high as it now went, because I managed to dodge away from TDs and pass the ball in the end. Most horrible game I've had so far.”