Scoring Summary:
Lightning recieves the kick and Snake.Eyes manage a one die block to knock the ball lose and at risk, but Lightning recover. Lightning scores first 1-0
Snake.Eyes quickly ties it up with one turn each left in the first half.
BLITZ!!! Snake Eyes nearly get to the ball but are held off. First half ends tied 1-1.
Second Half:
Snake.Eyes makes quick work and scores in two turns. 1-2 Snakes lead!
Lightning ties it while having racked up 5 caz in the game so far. 2-2
Snakes recieves with plenty of time left to score but down four players!!! And then the witch elf gets KO'd leaving just 6 Snake.Eyes on the field.
The Snakes got three quarters of the way to the end zone but couldn't make it against the overwhelming numbers. Their defense nearly held and the Lightning just managed to score the winning TD as time expired!
Lighting win 3-2 in this tight back and forth game!
Post game grumblings:
Of the two Lighting skill roles after the game, one niggled. In team history there have been two players that niggled on their first skill roll out of six players... grumble...
Samiggulden, Good Game! Best of luck the rest of the season and looking forward to an exciting rematch in Fringe next season!”
Scoring Summary:
Lightning recieves the kick and Snake.Eyes manage a one die block to knock the ball lose and at risk, but Lightning recover. Lightning scores first 1-0
Snake.Eyes quickly ties it up with one turn each left in the first half.
BLITZ!!! Snake Eyes nearly get to the ball but are held off. First half ends tied 1-1.
Second Half:
Snake.Eyes makes quick work and scores in two turns. 1-2 Snakes lead!
Lightning ties it while having racked up 5 caz in the game so far. 2-2
Snakes recieves with plenty of time left to score but down four players!!! And then the witch elf gets KO'd leaving just 6 Snake.Eyes on the field.
The Snakes got three quarters of the way to the end zone but couldn't make it against the overwhelming numbers. Their defense nearly held and the Lightning just managed to score the winning TD as time expired!
Lighting win 3-2 in this tight back and forth game!
Post game grumblings:
Of the two Lighting skill roles after the game, one niggled. In team history there have been two players that niggled on their first skill roll out of six players... grumble...
Samiggulden, Good Game! Best of luck the rest of the season and looking forward to an exciting rematch in Fringe next season!”