“Sorry to say this was a terrible game, the opponent took 4 minutes per turn every turn, sometimes more. Normally not too bad, but this game started with just 9 lizzies, and by the second turn there were 6 or less the whole game, most of the second half just 4 on the pitch. Still, he strung out his painful turns and wouldn't even reply in chat.
Bad game, boring opponent.
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
maybe he should have read my additional information about time
http://fumbbl.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1226 : Turn Limit and divisional transfers
(and i do not mention the pre-match sequence of play or the last few turns...)
i would like to say:
good game (but unlucky for my opponent), immatu... -no, impatient opponent.
...what a pitty ....
and at the end i shouldn't have been rapt away to start fouling like him... should have behaved more seasoned...