“I felt I played well and had a very good chance to win this game, but the dice didn't come through for me. Compounding that was a ton of casulties including the great ag6 witch elf, Drokmar. I also had several players KO'd that refused to return to the pitch. Ah well, thats the way nuffle goes sometimes.
3- Big Bad Bill : for being big and bad.
2 - Gavin Gordon - the bootmeister, slayer of drokmar
1 - Bulldog Wilis - any time a dwarf is passing, you know he must be good.
3- Big Bad Bill : for being big and bad.
2 - Gavin Gordon - the bootmeister, slayer of drokmar
1 - Bulldog Wilis - any time a dwarf is passing, you know he must be good.
Well played Newbugman, I'll get you next time.