I only had two real chances to tie it up in the 2nd half. I managed to break away from the horde and Sappy threw the lone fling downfield. GFI blitz pushes him outside of 2x GFI TD range. Dodge and run. 1 square from EZ. Blitz, both down = turnover but that fling gets KO'd. I manage to get a fling close with another TTM. He bobbles the ball on his Turn 15. My Turn 16. TTM to get within scoring range, pick up in TZ fails.
Would have been nice to pull the draw. -1 FF to boot. The Victims have been in more dire straits than these. Buy a new fling, save for ingredients and move on.”
1s and 2s all over.
I only had two real chances to tie it up in the 2nd half. I managed to break away from the horde and Sappy threw the lone fling downfield. GFI blitz pushes him outside of 2x GFI TD range. Dodge and run. 1 square from EZ. Blitz, both down = turnover but that fling gets KO'd. I manage to get a fling close with another TTM. He bobbles the ball on his Turn 15. My Turn 16. TTM to get within scoring range, pick up in TZ fails.
Would have been nice to pull the draw. -1 FF to boot. The Victims have been in more dire straits than these. Buy a new fling, save for ingredients and move on.”