#14 Nukull Dragga III – Broken Ribs (MNG) #14 Nukull Dragga III – Smashed Knee (NI)
“Ack... that was hard to take... But Gritter deserved to win simply because of my noobness...
Managed to score first half and thought I'd held off Gritter's Khemri, but that dastardly bunch made all their gfi's and scored to equalise...
Second half it was my turn to foul, with Get the Ref, but too many times I started to move the player of mine instead of choosing foul... that's what happens when you play clean in ranked... you go soft for vital matches like these!
Couldn't stop the Khemri winning 1-2 in the end... tried hard but ultimately failed... but I have faith in my stable mates...
Looks like it's time for me to step down for Round 5 and let the Dog get back in...
Good game Gritter... obviously I hope it's the only win FCUK get this round! :-)”
Sending a receiver deep into my field i deliberately ignored him hoping to force an early score or pounce on a fumble while pressuring the middle of the field and putting the boot in making his STR4 lino take an early bath and later in the half causing him to use his apoth on a BH... on his star AG4 blitzer.
I couldnt put as much pressure on as i hoped tho and the score came in turn 4/5 leaving me a small chance of replying before halftime.
Kickoff result was a blitz :( but the ball was too deep for the orks to reach, however they put pressure on it with 2 blitzers running round my flanks.
When my Throwra failed his pickup things got a little sticky....
Leaving 3 mummies to tie up the middle of the field as best they could other members of the team retreated to defend the ball, successfully smashing orcs out of the way and picking it up the next turn.
Lots of GFI action insued with my slow khemri forming the best cage they could as i pushed forward. Ball carrier was tackle zones a few times but got blitzed clear and my mummy marked the prone orcs while my throwra a blitzra and a skele all double GFI'd forward.
I knew i had left a 2+dodge and 1db blitz on the ball carrier open, but was the best i could do if i was going to score
Fortunately a failed dice early in the turn ate a reroll, then the 1db came up a skull! The throwra tripped once, but double GFI'd in for the score :O
2nd half i set out to grind my way forward for the whole half before scoring.
This proved extremely tricky with wotfud using good positioning and repeatedly tacklezoning the ball carrier. I slowly caged my way forward, having to be a bit creative with my caging and rely on good block dice and careful movement to grind forward. After about 5 or 6 turns my STR5 really was beginning to tell and a couple orcs were off the pitch with my field position looking more secure.
Abandoning the complete cage i moved of down one flank leaving myself open to a 1db right until my last players freed himself up by a skeles 1db, then double GFI'd to block off the last approach.
Wotfud was left with a desperate blitz/dodge into 3 tacklezones which failed its 5+ leaving my ball carrier safe to stall next turn on the line.
Pausing to foul out the goblin (ko'd but didnt come back) to stop a ttm attempt we ran in the score in turn 8 leaving the orcs no chance to reply in the last turn.
gg wotfud, unlucky
But FCUK FTW! ;)”
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Managed to score first half and thought I'd held off Gritter's Khemri, but that dastardly bunch made all their gfi's and scored to equalise...
Second half it was my turn to foul, with Get the Ref, but too many times I started to move the player of mine instead of choosing foul... that's what happens when you play clean in ranked... you go soft for vital matches like these!
Couldn't stop the Khemri winning 1-2 in the end... tried hard but ultimately failed... but I have faith in my stable mates...
Looks like it's time for me to step down for Round 5 and let the Dog get back in...
Good game Gritter... obviously I hope it's the only win FCUK get this round! :-)”