“Not much too add. I lucked it out in second half. Thank you for the game you played a great Cup and Im pretty sure this wont be your last major;-) I have to say Im a bit proud to bring Krautrock to the final cause I did not have much time to build em up for the cup and lost my two best players in the only preparation games I could do. So I needed some help from Nuffle to go that far;-)”
Match startet with Kick Off by the Orcs and a fast 2-turn 1:0 for the Elves. My DP was sent off after fouling the HE Star KO (grrr).
Next drive Morg got the ball. Within the drive Melm used his wiz and knocked down Morg, but was not able to gain the ball. So Morg received it back and the Orcs were able to score the usual T8 TD: 1:1
Everything seemed to be nice; the only Strip Baller HE was still KO and Orcs received ball. But this time Morg wasn't able to pick up that ugly round spiky thing, not even with a RR. The Elves captured the ball and my 2+ for blitzing the ball carrier failed after a RRed double skull. The Elves managed to stall till T4 and finally scored: 2:1. Also they niggled my AV8 AG5 Blitzer on a non assisted foul (Apo succeded) and CASed him out next turn. o_0
Okay, after that horrible drive Nuffle thought this was funny. Elves got the REF (this had not much effect) and dices were as crappy as before. Again Morg received the ball and run forward. Nearly no POW for the Orcs made it tough for me to protect the ball well. T7 Morg was ready to score next turn by moving 4 sqaures, but only protected by the other AG5 Blitzer. HE's managed to strip the ball out of his hands and the crowd threw it back into the midfield, where a Lion picked up the ball, but missed the final pass.
Small chance for the Orcs: remove 1 TZ from "scoring" AG5 Blitzer (2d block) - BoB (BT) dodge, 2 GFI blitz on Lion next to the ball (2d block) - GFI and picking up the ball with a Blitzer, throw it to the Thrower (1TZ) - dodge, hand over to AG5 Blitzer (2TZ) - leap, dodge and score (calculated 0.67% - without use of RR - hehe).
But pass was intercepted by Lion and finally 3:1.
Not a good match for the Orcs - NO CAS in the whole game (and only 3 KOs)...!!!
(plz, tell my HE's about that)
Anyway, I won't complain - I also had my lucky moments in the tourney and a match can be much worse.
Melm played a solid match and maybe it is a kind of rule that an Elf team has to play for the cup. Wish you good luck in the final! Bring the titel home to Germany ;-)))
I say goodbye from the tournament; was really fun to be a part of it.
I played some good coaches and all of them were friendly as far as I can remember - that is the most importent part for me :-)
Next year I'll be back.
Cheers, Markusen
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