#1 Keeper of fouled bulls – Broken Ribs (MNG) #1 Keeper of fouled bulls – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
“Played Synn, Qaz and PeteW in a row now, good coaches. And one good game of three. When looking at the games I would be most happy with a draw versus PeteW´s woodies (and got it) and I would really had expected a win versus Qaz bulls... a cherrypick, but no. In this game, I didnt manage at all, thought that 4 blodgers would be a fair game versus my single tackler and strong vamps. But Synn played well and at the end our spp were 0-24 (without mvp included). That says the most. But the vamps are still going up, and arent afraid even though my cr is going..................... and hopefully those dices are left behind. I will ask for a new set, one of those I had in the beginning for the team. Hard to play them over tr 200 though... just need some more tacklers... should be fine after that. Well played Synn!”