“Game 2 for the Mighty Canetoads. Strolling out against the mighty midgets, the Ogres knew this could be a big challenge. And a challenge for them it was.
The ogres suffered due to the blocking skills of the dwarves, the gobbos suffered due to the fierce tackling. Blow for blow was traded, but the wet weather meant the ball was just a bouncing bubble on the pitch.
In the end neither team could land the killing blow, the ogres coming close in the first, and the dwarves oh so close in the second.
All in all, a well fought moral victory. One dwarf won't be back, and another wishing he didn't have to.
“Damnable wet weather. The Brewers seem cursed to play their career in the sopping rain. Obviously the wet weather must have rusted poor Gungi's armour, resulting in one very dead dwarf.
The Brewers overcame their unwillingness to commit fouls. Suppressing 2 knocked down ogres for tactical reasons.
The dwarves found it hard to compete with the overpowering strength of these damnable behemoths.
How ever both teams put aside their differences after the game and made the nearest inn's owner a very rich man.
Oh and i killed a Gobbo.”
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The ogres suffered due to the blocking skills of the dwarves, the gobbos suffered due to the fierce tackling. Blow for blow was traded, but the wet weather meant the ball was just a bouncing bubble on the pitch.
In the end neither team could land the killing blow, the ogres coming close in the first, and the dwarves oh so close in the second.
All in all, a well fought moral victory. One dwarf won't be back, and another wishing he didn't have to.
Oh and a gobbo died.”