Whilst down to only 8 players, the Angels went into the game confident they could match their ankle-biting opponents. This confidence was short lived with two of the girls off the pitch in the opening turn. A habit the flings kept up evicting 3 players off the LoS their next drive. A tough fight ensued as blows were exchanged, the flings trying to isolate their main threat, and the Angels trying to protect her whilst going after the ball with only 6 players.
The half ended 0-0 as a halfling decided to crack open his skull on an Angels knee instead of taking the touchdown. That being said, a couple well placed fouls had removed the Angels key asset.
The Angels came out the second half with 6 players, yet confidant they could pull of a slow drive and win in the closing minutes. A fumble put that thought to an end as a fling came flying half way over the pitch, nabbed the ball, dodged away and sprinted over ice to take the score. Eyewitnesses report brains oozing out of the Angels coaches nose as he stood there shell shocked.
Playing to win, the Angels came out hard on their second drive for a quick score, leaving ample time for the game to go either way.
The last quarter of the game saw the dwindling fling team take on the remaining 4 Angels, both teams had a chance to score in the last minutes, but a slippery ball proved too much for the Angels catcher to handle; and nothing left to toss left no flying touchdown for the flings.
“I bloody well hate ankle biters” was all the coach would say as he stormed off the pitch to the boo'ing of the fans. ”
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Whilst down to only 8 players, the Angels went into the game confident they could match their ankle-biting opponents. This confidence was short lived with two of the girls off the pitch in the opening turn. A habit the flings kept up evicting 3 players off the LoS their next drive. A tough fight ensued as blows were exchanged, the flings trying to isolate their main threat, and the Angels trying to protect her whilst going after the ball with only 6 players.
The half ended 0-0 as a halfling decided to crack open his skull on an Angels knee instead of taking the touchdown. That being said, a couple well placed fouls had removed the Angels key asset.
The Angels came out the second half with 6 players, yet confidant they could pull of a slow drive and win in the closing minutes. A fumble put that thought to an end as a fling came flying half way over the pitch, nabbed the ball, dodged away and sprinted over ice to take the score. Eyewitnesses report brains oozing out of the Angels coaches nose as he stood there shell shocked.
Playing to win, the Angels came out hard on their second drive for a quick score, leaving ample time for the game to go either way.
The last quarter of the game saw the dwindling fling team take on the remaining 4 Angels, both teams had a chance to score in the last minutes, but a slippery ball proved too much for the Angels catcher to handle; and nothing left to toss left no flying touchdown for the flings.
“I bloody well hate ankle biters” was all the coach would say as he stormed off the pitch to the boo'ing of the fans.