“Dear lord, lemf is not kidding about the first touchdown. Elves wouldn't have been able to pull this thing off. It started off with uber vampire Count Anfield holding the ball 5 spaces away from the end zone. This distance might as well be a half a field length away from khemri. But flying across the field came the tackling Blitz-ra Skeletor, who took down the vampire. The other Blitz-ra, Robotic Chicken, comes and scoops up the ball, goes for it to get in quick pass range, and COMPLETES a pass to the skeleton Whalias, who has a thrall in his tackle zone. Whalis then proceeds to DODGE TWICE out of the thrall's tackle zone for the score. And all of these moves happened basically without a reroll. It started as a desperation move, but ended as one of the most awesome turns I've ever had. I look forward to the karmic backfire in my next game.
Also, I have to say that the Scum was the most fun vampire game I've had. Most teams I've played don't put up much of a fight, or try to act like a bashy team, but this was a great match even though he was down people most of the game.”
“ok It's a trap! did deserve to win this game and 2-1 was probably better than the Scum deserved, but the first half turn 8 touchdown was something I will never forget being on the receiving end of. How the hell the dice fell like that Nuffle only knows. I hope to score like that someday :D”
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Also, I have to say that the Scum was the most fun vampire game I've had. Most teams I've played don't put up much of a fight, or try to act like a bashy team, but this was a great match even though he was down people most of the game.”