“Penbthouse Playboys vs Naggorite Nevermore
The playboys got to recive the kick. But the Elves where fast. And quickly blized up field to put preassure on the ball. But Ginger and her helpers secured the ball and pussed up field. Passing the ball in the sharp sunlight into the hands of Paris. But She was brutaly knocked off the pitch by Caemsoeorl. Dropping the ball. But Bambi intercepted the ball. And the girls sett up field Scoring an early TD.
At the kick off. The Girls were furious. After stopping Balsalriro form dodging past. The gils knocked 3 playrs off the pich. Showing we are more than just prity faces, and exposed flesh. But that did not stop Ferrylian from runing past and try to exualize. But trish ran him down. And knocked the ball out of his hands. Aimee ran to take the ball. But did not manage to pass the ball, and it was cough by Aelroneal. The Nevermore still pussing hard. But Trish once more knocing the ball out. But Candi fail to pick it up. And Lilain still waiting for the ball, as she is home free. Finaly Lilain got the ball but her high heals broke as she got to the end zone. And Mesrili sweep down to pick it up. But all the greese from Lilianes body had rubbed on the ball. And he fumbbled the trow. Candy run down and block him down as Natalie go for the ball, picks it up... AND pass it to Lilian who have recovered in the end zone. 2-0 to the naghty girls.
The Naggorite Elfs are suffering for injury and can only field 10 players in the second half. But can there speed make up for it? They started with a know pattern. Caemsoeorl blized a hole on the flank and Belsariol ran after with the ball. Now very close to the scoreing. Trish tacing full controll and blocking the cacher down. The ball bouncing off the side and down to the end of the PP part of the pich. Stacy ran to take it. But failed. And now it was nothing stoping Ferrilyan scoring. 2-1 At the re kick. The girls show once more that they have practiced the start. And that the hard maches agains the dwarfs and Chaos dwarfs have given results. Knocking out another elf. And proning several. But The fast elfs ran past an quickly put Ginger under preasure. So much that she dropped the ball. It was close as the NN ran forward. But Gigner picked herself and the ball back up and threw a magnificant pass up to Bambi. Who ran in to score her second for the match. With only 4 turns to go. And 2 Touchdowns down. It looked grim for the pro elfs. But a huge playcheck handed to the ref.. Him look the other way, and the odds a little better. But once more the Amazone defence was too tight. And the elfs fell as the dodged tru. The pay check handed the judge gave results early. As Aimee was sendt off as she tried to foul star player Caemsoeorl. NN move slowly down pich in a dwarfen fort formation. But still there is an opening for Trish to block the ball out. But a well thrown dump off keeps the ball in Naggorite hands. And Ferrilyan dodges tru to score his second of the match.. It's going to be close this game. Tho The elfs are danguresly low on players. The PP chances of the 4th goal was dramaticaly reduced when gigner failed to pick up the ball. But then Ferrilyan messed everything up for the elfs, by falling and ending the Naggorites chances of a draw. And Ginger get's the ball and pass it up to banbi who scores a hat tric this game.
Final score.
Penthouse Playboys 4 - 2 Naggorite Nevermore”
The playboys got to recive the kick. But the Elves where fast. And quickly blized up field to put preassure on the ball. But Ginger and her helpers secured the ball and pussed up field. Passing the ball in the sharp sunlight into the hands of Paris. But She was brutaly knocked off the pitch by Caemsoeorl. Dropping the ball. But Bambi intercepted the ball. And the girls sett up field Scoring an early TD.
At the kick off. The Girls were furious. After stopping Balsalriro form dodging past. The gils knocked 3 playrs off the pich. Showing we are more than just prity faces, and exposed flesh. But that did not stop Ferrylian from runing past and try to exualize. But trish ran him down. And knocked the ball out of his hands. Aimee ran to take the ball. But did not manage to pass the ball, and it was cough by Aelroneal. The Nevermore still pussing hard. But Trish once more knocing the ball out. But Candi fail to pick it up. And Lilain still waiting for the ball, as she is home free. Finaly Lilain got the ball but her high heals broke as she got to the end zone. And Mesrili sweep down to pick it up. But all the greese from Lilianes body had rubbed on the ball. And he fumbbled the trow. Candy run down and block him down as Natalie go for the ball, picks it up... AND pass it to Lilian who have recovered in the end zone. 2-0 to the naghty girls.
The Naggorite Elfs are suffering for injury and can only field 10 players in the second half. But can there speed make up for it? They started with a know pattern. Caemsoeorl blized a hole on the flank and Belsariol ran after with the ball. Now very close to the scoreing. Trish tacing full controll and blocking the cacher down. The ball bouncing off the side and down to the end of the PP part of the pich. Stacy ran to take it. But failed. And now it was nothing stoping Ferrilyan scoring. 2-1 At the re kick. The girls show once more that they have practiced the start. And that the hard maches agains the dwarfs and Chaos dwarfs have given results. Knocking out another elf. And proning several. But The fast elfs ran past an quickly put Ginger under preasure. So much that she dropped the ball. It was close as the NN ran forward. But Gigner picked herself and the ball back up and threw a magnificant pass up to Bambi. Who ran in to score her second for the match. With only 4 turns to go. And 2 Touchdowns down. It looked grim for the pro elfs. But a huge playcheck handed to the ref.. Him look the other way, and the odds a little better. But once more the Amazone defence was too tight. And the elfs fell as the dodged tru. The pay check handed the judge gave results early. As Aimee was sendt off as she tried to foul star player Caemsoeorl. NN move slowly down pich in a dwarfen fort formation. But still there is an opening for Trish to block the ball out. But a well thrown dump off keeps the ball in Naggorite hands. And Ferrilyan dodges tru to score his second of the match.. It's going to be close this game. Tho The elfs are danguresly low on players. The PP chances of the 4th goal was dramaticaly reduced when gigner failed to pick up the ball. But then Ferrilyan messed everything up for the elfs, by falling and ending the Naggorites chances of a draw. And Ginger get's the ball and pass it up to banbi who scores a hat tric this game.
Final score.
Penthouse Playboys 4 - 2 Naggorite Nevermore”