Illegal Drugs (Wardancer became Str5)
Bribe the Ref2
Knuckledusters (given to Str4 Blodge Tackle Lino)
Extra Training
I Am the Greatest
It started out as a very close contest, with each team having 4 Tacklers (2 of them Mighty Blow for my opponent, and he also had a much better Treeman) and after 5 turns the score was 2-1 to the Guardians.
However, the Lapse Coloured were missing a couple of key players (KO for a long time) and made a mistake (-2D Blitz with his Str5 Wardancer vs mine and got himself KOd) allowing the Guardians to steal the ball and take a 3-1 lead with 1 turn to go in the first half.
The Lapse Coloured went for the one turn TD the hard way (4+ 5+ 2+ dodge past non tacklers instead of a 3+ 3+ 2+ by a Tackler) and ended the half 2-3 behind. It was game on as both the key players came back from KO (Str5 Wardancer and Mighty Blow Tackle Lino) to start the second half.
However, it turned out to be a very horrid half for Lapse Coloured as they frequently were unable to knock down the Sidestep Diving Tackle Catcher on the right wing and failed leaps, dodges and passes with a stack of 1s to allow the Guardians to steal the ball over and over again.
To add insult to injury, well to add another injury actually, a Lapse Coloured lino was killed by a throw rock shortly after their Thrower was killed by a Guardians Catcher (apoth failed), and they also suffered a Blitz! that cost another TD.
Anyways, it was a fun game against a fun and sporting opponent and only a bit of horrid luck (apoth failure, rock kill, Blitz!, rolling 1 to dodge with AG5 holding ball, failing leap with Str5 who had the ball, rolling snakes to pass the ball etc, ok, more than a 'bit' of bad luck then) that spoilt an otherwise good game.
Hope you recover well StraightCurve and good luck in the future.”
Illegal Drugs (Wardancer became Str5)
Bribe the Ref2
Knuckledusters (given to Str4 Blodge Tackle Lino)
Extra Training
I Am the Greatest
It started out as a very close contest, with each team having 4 Tacklers (2 of them Mighty Blow for my opponent, and he also had a much better Treeman) and after 5 turns the score was 2-1 to the Guardians.
However, the Lapse Coloured were missing a couple of key players (KO for a long time) and made a mistake (-2D Blitz with his Str5 Wardancer vs mine and got himself KOd) allowing the Guardians to steal the ball and take a 3-1 lead with 1 turn to go in the first half.
The Lapse Coloured went for the one turn TD the hard way (4+ 5+ 2+ dodge past non tacklers instead of a 3+ 3+ 2+ by a Tackler) and ended the half 2-3 behind. It was game on as both the key players came back from KO (Str5 Wardancer and Mighty Blow Tackle Lino) to start the second half.
However, it turned out to be a very horrid half for Lapse Coloured as they frequently were unable to knock down the Sidestep Diving Tackle Catcher on the right wing and failed leaps, dodges and passes with a stack of 1s to allow the Guardians to steal the ball over and over again.
To add insult to injury, well to add another injury actually, a Lapse Coloured lino was killed by a throw rock shortly after their Thrower was killed by a Guardians Catcher (apoth failed), and they also suffered a Blitz! that cost another TD.
Anyways, it was a fun game against a fun and sporting opponent and only a bit of horrid luck (apoth failure, rock kill, Blitz!, rolling 1 to dodge with AG5 holding ball, failing leap with Str5 who had the ball, rolling snakes to pass the ball etc, ok, more than a 'bit' of bad luck then) that spoilt an otherwise good game.
Hope you recover well StraightCurve and good luck in the future.”