“960000 came to see the second game between Sweetorcs and Bile'ingual.
Handicaps for Bile'ingual were: EXTRA TRAINING, KNUCKLEDUSTERS (Lovely beast) I AM THE GREATEST! (Polly and Truffle), Buzzing Gangrene, and IT WASN'T ME (Raspberry car).
Horrid beast for Nurgle niggle out. No stars.
We win the toss.
My orcs succeed in everything for a couple of turns, then their coach, that is ME, try to do dodge with my thrower (who recently got ag4) but, well, with orcs you should always protect the ball before you dodge. Three lucky KOs save us and we can score in T6. ONly being able to field 6 players, chaos cant do much... still, they defend nicely and manage to throw away the ball far away stoping us from doing 2-0. They also MNG one of my blitzers reminding me to never leave any players standing if you can help it.
8 chaos come on to the field for the second half and are struck by Nuffle at once. We get perfect defense which, combined with loads of more bad luck for chaos, allowed us to do 2-0. Then we got another perfect defense and did 3-0.
With a difference of 108 points diffence in ST, and 110 in TR, coach kkyishkkii didnt hesitate a second to accept my challenge. Except our monsterorcs he also faced Nuffle who was completely on our side. Still, he didnt complain one sec, just enjoyed himself, just as I did. Great coash. See you soon!
Quote of the game: "if u were gonna set-up like that, u coulda had the common decency to put the gobbo on the front line" /Coach kkyishkkii after I got perfect defense and lined up so that he couldnt even get a onedice block on the LOS.
Quote2 of the game: "still no gobbo on LOS i notice" /Coach kkyishkkii after I got perfect defense again. ”
Handicaps for Bile'ingual were: EXTRA TRAINING, KNUCKLEDUSTERS (Lovely beast) I AM THE GREATEST! (Polly and Truffle), Buzzing Gangrene, and IT WASN'T ME (Raspberry car).
Horrid beast for Nurgle niggle out. No stars.
We win the toss.
My orcs succeed in everything for a couple of turns, then their coach, that is ME, try to do dodge with my thrower (who recently got ag4) but, well, with orcs you should always protect the ball before you dodge. Three lucky KOs save us and we can score in T6. ONly being able to field 6 players, chaos cant do much... still, they defend nicely and manage to throw away the ball far away stoping us from doing 2-0. They also MNG one of my blitzers reminding me to never leave any players standing if you can help it.
8 chaos come on to the field for the second half and are struck by Nuffle at once. We get perfect defense which, combined with loads of more bad luck for chaos, allowed us to do 2-0. Then we got another perfect defense and did 3-0.
With a difference of 108 points diffence in ST, and 110 in TR, coach kkyishkkii didnt hesitate a second to accept my challenge. Except our monsterorcs he also faced Nuffle who was completely on our side. Still, he didnt complain one sec, just enjoyed himself, just as I did. Great coash. See you soon!
Quote of the game: "if u were gonna set-up like that, u coulda had the common decency to put the gobbo on the front line" /Coach kkyishkkii after I got perfect defense and lined up so that he couldnt even get a onedice block on the LOS.
Quote2 of the game: "still no gobbo on LOS i notice" /Coach kkyishkkii after I got perfect defense again.