“I'm sorry, that doesn't hold much weight, considering what I would have had to accomplish just to make that blitz. You would have been much better off scoring fast in the second, although clearing the pitch a bit is a fair strategy. Perfect defence prevented the win, alas.”
The t16 foul on the st4 SV was there to try to take him out to stop him blitzing a hole for a receiver, not that anything came of it.
C'mon CB, it does hold a lot of weight. You had barely failed a dodge roll for the majority of the match. If you had dodged out there with the SV and moved or even knocked down my bob, you would have had a chance at taking a pass for 4+, 1 dodge at 3, the last at 2+ and td.
Maybe you hadn't seen it.
Oh yeah just to get 1 back 6 dice against a GR - nothing, then a failed dodge prevented the 1st half equaliser and in light of the above - the win ;)
Next time, next time.”
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