“The Smack tourney sends the charioteers racing into the lands of the dead spearheaded by the newest incarnation of their minotaur, Dark Avenger!
The Night Train gets rollin and sends several zombies back to their necromancer for ....maintenance. Upon the sweat and courage of thy deeds, Adams upgrades to stand firm blodge!
But all was lost as the icy winds of fate stay the grasp of the charioteers giving them unbelievable difficulty in catching the ball. Only Warcry could break the spell and ultimately braves the onslaught of the dead to plant the ball in the endzone.
DeMaio "Hail to the dead, for they know the road to Hell well! Sending home Hard Hand Hank. In Hell, join the ranks of your breatheren and wage war without end! And with the head of thy victims, rise friend of the wheel, Smiley. Return to the upperworld to lay waste to all that stand between you and glory!"
The charioteers leave knowing they gave a good run!
The Night Train gets rollin and sends several zombies back to their necromancer for ....maintenance. Upon the sweat and courage of thy deeds, Adams upgrades to stand firm blodge!
But all was lost as the icy winds of fate stay the grasp of the charioteers giving them unbelievable difficulty in catching the ball. Only Warcry could break the spell and ultimately braves the onslaught of the dead to plant the ball in the endzone.
DeMaio "Hail to the dead, for they know the road to Hell well! Sending home Hard Hand Hank. In Hell, join the ranks of your breatheren and wage war without end! And with the head of thy victims, rise friend of the wheel, Smiley. Return to the upperworld to lay waste to all that stand between you and glory!"
The charioteers leave knowing they gave a good run!
Hail and Kill”