The match between two undefeated teams in the OBBA promised to be exciting and it did not disappoint. On the opening kickoff, the Copenhagen blitzed forward - with most of the Houston players on the LOS, they were outnumbered by the stronger Copenhagen players and things looked grim. However, by pushing forward, the only sure-handed player for Copenhagen was exposed. A block by a clawed rat was only a knock-down, but then a quick foul KOed the player. Zach Well (rat ogre) blitzed a beastman out of the way and moved next to the only beastman remaining on defense. A pickup and pass - and Winky Torment had the ball and scooted down the field. Copenhagen began to block and knock down the rats - however, a double skullpow used their only team RR and a failed 4+ dodge prevented a blitz on the ball carrier and the game was 1-0 midway through the first quarter. With the sure-handed beastman out and no team RRs, Houston was confident that they could force a turnover...however, Copenhagen began a stretch of awe-inspiring play. Their KO woke up and quickly the chaos warriers and beastmen smashed aside rats - into the KO box...the BH box...the minatour dealt a mortal blow to Zach - who gave thanks to the quick work of the apothecary. Then with rats being smashed asunder and an attempt to get to the ball snuffed out - Dogmaggot (sure handed beastman) moved forward an lofted a beautiful long pass that his receiver caught and raced to the endzone...but he stopped just shy of the goal line - force himself forward would risk a turnover and there was still a lot of the first half to play...but then a storm vermin raced from across the field...9 spaces to smash into the beastman and send him flying to the ground. A gutter runner swooped in to grab the ball...but the rats were heavily outnumbered - dodging through the oncoming beastmen, Nate Jaqua the star of the Houston rats broke free downfield...2 gfis with a team RR, and he was be in the clear - probably able to score the clinching TD...snake eyes! He stumbled and twists his leg badly...the Houston star is carried off the field - done for the day. The beastmen were not done....pushing themselves past their limits they managed to recover the ball - then another long bomb - again successful - but the receiver - open in the endzone drops the ball, so it remains 1-0 at halftime. The chaos played simply amazing (72% luck at the half).
The second half the chaos took the opening kick and quickly handed the ball off to a chaos warrier who pushed his way downfield. A good blitz opportunity was prevented by a failed Wild Animal roll (it was not Zach Well's finest day)...and the chaos were clearly going to score...more and more desperate measures were being taken...until finally a -2d block was double POW and the ball was free...more than squirted away from the beastmen! In a flash, the last remaining gutter runner was dodging like mad and grabbed the ball - the chaos could not get to him and he raced laterally across the field and heaved the ball downfield...well outside of the slow beastmen...the pass seemed to deflate Copenhagen whom had fought so well and bravely...but their night ended with snaked eyes on T15 and T16. Houston had a chance for a extra score at the end...but so exhausted with the game the linerat failed the handoff and the rats left the field drained - the chaos team had given them everything they could handle and more. It was a great game...until next time!”
The match between two undefeated teams in the OBBA promised to be exciting and it did not disappoint. On the opening kickoff, the Copenhagen blitzed forward - with most of the Houston players on the LOS, they were outnumbered by the stronger Copenhagen players and things looked grim. However, by pushing forward, the only sure-handed player for Copenhagen was exposed. A block by a clawed rat was only a knock-down, but then a quick foul KOed the player. Zach Well (rat ogre) blitzed a beastman out of the way and moved next to the only beastman remaining on defense. A pickup and pass - and Winky Torment had the ball and scooted down the field. Copenhagen began to block and knock down the rats - however, a double skullpow used their only team RR and a failed 4+ dodge prevented a blitz on the ball carrier and the game was 1-0 midway through the first quarter. With the sure-handed beastman out and no team RRs, Houston was confident that they could force a turnover...however, Copenhagen began a stretch of awe-inspiring play. Their KO woke up and quickly the chaos warriers and beastmen smashed aside rats - into the KO box...the BH box...the minatour dealt a mortal blow to Zach - who gave thanks to the quick work of the apothecary. Then with rats being smashed asunder and an attempt to get to the ball snuffed out - Dogmaggot (sure handed beastman) moved forward an lofted a beautiful long pass that his receiver caught and raced to the endzone...but he stopped just shy of the goal line - force himself forward would risk a turnover and there was still a lot of the first half to play...but then a storm vermin raced from across the field...9 spaces to smash into the beastman and send him flying to the ground. A gutter runner swooped in to grab the ball...but the rats were heavily outnumbered - dodging through the oncoming beastmen, Nate Jaqua the star of the Houston rats broke free downfield...2 gfis with a team RR, and he was be in the clear - probably able to score the clinching TD...snake eyes! He stumbled and twists his leg badly...the Houston star is carried off the field - done for the day. The beastmen were not done....pushing themselves past their limits they managed to recover the ball - then another long bomb - again successful - but the receiver - open in the endzone drops the ball, so it remains 1-0 at halftime. The chaos played simply amazing (72% luck at the half).
The second half the chaos took the opening kick and quickly handed the ball off to a chaos warrier who pushed his way downfield. A good blitz opportunity was prevented by a failed Wild Animal roll (it was not Zach Well's finest day)...and the chaos were clearly going to score...more and more desperate measures were being taken...until finally a -2d block was double POW and the ball was free...more than squirted away from the beastmen! In a flash, the last remaining gutter runner was dodging like mad and grabbed the ball - the chaos could not get to him and he raced laterally across the field and heaved the ball downfield...well outside of the slow beastmen...the pass seemed to deflate Copenhagen whom had fought so well and bravely...but their night ended with snaked eyes on T15 and T16. Houston had a chance for a extra score at the end...but so exhausted with the game the linerat failed the handoff and the rats left the field drained - the chaos team had given them everything they could handle and more. It was a great game...until next time!”