snakes on a dodge with the ball carrier cost me a scoring chance first half and i didnt think through the best way of retreieving it as i didnt want to use the wizard. 0-0 at halftime.
Have to disagree a little with the ball being secure much of the 2nd half.
A failed 2 db on the ball carrier with tackle, 2 failed 1'dbs on the ball carrier, and failed 2db on a screener to at least make the ball carrier roll a dodge with no reroll left me with little chance after that. (and me cursing not haveing stripball)
Overall i cant complain about luck, but the useless blitzing and dodging of my star blitzer Pootash in both halves really cost me the match.
If the wiz had brought down the other CW i also would of been able to surround the ball carrier instead of just having the failed 2db on it.
But meh thats BB ;)
Still, good job it didnt go to overtime, i think I would of got murdered there :)
Cheers for the game Leijonet and gl in rest of tourny!”
Handicaps for H0rnsw0gglers: Doom and Gloom, only two rerolls for me first half. Morg hired by both players, Words didn't want to face him :) Wiz to H0rnsw0gglers.
Game started out pretty friendly, no cas on LoS. Bight, my niggled 7348 Horns Block Surehands Tackle Beastman got fouled in turn two to BH, with Gritter trying to advance down one side. In retaliation, I KOd one blitzer and RIPped another one with a foul, the Orcs Apot decided to stay put on the sidelines.
After this, things degenerated. I ran players back to cover, the Orcs advancing. Some fouling back and forth without much success, and finally some fatal snakes leaving the ball unattended and Gritters 5449 Blitzer on the ground. I failed my pickup, losing my last reroll in the process. Gritter had a final chance to equalise, but bad blocking stopped that in it's tracks. Overall my blocking in the first half was superior to Gritters.
Second half, Words fans got the ref. A BH on the line, apot having been used on another RIP in the first half, and a foul in turn two leaving the Orcs Troll MNG, spelled doom for H0rnsw0gglers. The fireball was mostly a failure, Words taking trouble protecting the ballkeeper from just such an occasion, and only downing one of the two CWs it hit. A failed 2d block on the ballkeeper and I managed to run away with the ball and keep it secure for the rest of the game.
Thanks for the game Gritter. Was a good one, and hope to meet you again in the future!
EDIT: I meant I was trying to protect the ball from a fatal fireball or lightning, which I think i did adequately. Protecting it from blitzes... Maybe not so much all the time. Still, luck was not unkind to me, and that ofcourse helped :)”
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snakes on a dodge with the ball carrier cost me a scoring chance first half and i didnt think through the best way of retreieving it as i didnt want to use the wizard. 0-0 at halftime.
Have to disagree a little with the ball being secure much of the 2nd half.
A failed 2 db on the ball carrier with tackle, 2 failed 1'dbs on the ball carrier, and failed 2db on a screener to at least make the ball carrier roll a dodge with no reroll left me with little chance after that. (and me cursing not haveing stripball)
Overall i cant complain about luck, but the useless blitzing and dodging of my star blitzer Pootash in both halves really cost me the match.
If the wiz had brought down the other CW i also would of been able to surround the ball carrier instead of just having the failed 2db on it.
But meh thats BB ;)
Still, good job it didnt go to overtime, i think I would of got murdered there :)
Cheers for the game Leijonet and gl in rest of tourny!”