“Well the Snots came to the pitch ready for this match. Doing their best they managed to knock out all the key players and daggers (along with the refs help) but one the Assassin. Like every freak of nature with agi5 in stunty he dominated the match and proved to be to much for the snots. Though today it wasnt a blow out the snots held their own and managed to score two times and had a try for three but turned it down in order to try and clear the Assassin from the pitch. Good Game Snottie and see you on the pitch
#4 KO,KO
#5 BH
#7 KO
#9 SI
#10 KO,BH
#11 KO
#12 BH
#15 BH”
“The Eshins focused so much on scoring that the red cards banned all the Night Runners except one, who got Wounded In Action... by that time, however, it was too late for the snots, as the score chasm was too great
on the other hand, the snots really dealt out a lot of punishment this match, and the injuries will hamper the team in the future... that, combined with 4 successful regens, and it was like playing a team of 18 snots!!!!!
Zoom Zoom actually had to get some spps himself this match, after abstaining for the last 2 matches. the pressure put on by the snots forced him to even score a TD!
well played, courtjester17, and good luck in the rest of the tourney”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
#4 KO,KO
#5 BH
#7 KO
#9 SI
#10 KO,BH
#11 KO
#12 BH
#15 BH”