“Contrary to what Aleinikov says it was not a fun first half. Our Vamps certainly played this match on an empty stomach because I have so many OFAB rolls failed. I guess on the bright side I only rolled double skulls once to make up for all those ones I would roll. First half, we couldn't get free of the tangle of dark elves so I felt that the second half we were going to tangle up the elves with a thrall equivalent. We were able to work ourself behind the Dark Elf line and take the ball away from the Str 4 elf. I was put in a bind with an ill timed OFAB but instead of biting the thrall close to the ball, I dodge out and GFI to bite another thrall. With our luck going for good for us, we dodge Steve, pick up the ball and run in for a score!!
#6 Olmeca – Serious Concussion (-AV) #13 El Charro – Broken Ribs (MNG) #13 El Charro – Smashed Knee (NI)
“It was a funny 1st half. The Vamps were extremely thirsty, while my Elves chose to go down with their opponants most everytime they blocked them. Both teams tried their best to mess up any plan their coaches might have had.
4 turnovers in consecutive turns on the 1st dicerolls of the turn then made it a non-contest in the 2nd half.
GG Phulepen!”
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Thanks for the match. ”