“The plan was simple. Stay on the skinks, get good positions, and wait for the errors, and capitalise. WHAT ERRORS! The little darlings never failed to swoop on the ball, even in tackle zones, and only failed one dodge all games. Also What have you got when that happens? Nothin. Absolutely nothing. And Diss has even less than that. Failed Apothecary. RIP.
Ractha gets a broken back, -1st, and MVP. Always the way...
3- #14 Mi-not Backfield pickups that broke my back
2- #10 S'bbothog - TD, Blocks, Rushing
1- #12 Lakephu - TD and ball handling”
Ractha gets a broken back, -1st, and MVP. Always the way...
3- #14 Mi-not Backfield pickups that broke my back
2- #10 S'bbothog - TD, Blocks, Rushing
1- #12 Lakephu - TD and ball handling”