#10 White Russian – Broken Ribs (MNG) #10 White Russian – Smashed Knee (NI)
“My Team run out on the Pitch with a glorious "Make mine a Blood"-scream.
What i got was a bloody nose.
i hoped to get better handicaps that would make my oppenent more problems.
But the best was "iron man" to save my One-Turner.
CanvasBack had good Armor- and injury-Roll and i had lost the first rats in the first rounds.
those rats how were just KO were to scared to come back on the field. so i to play with less people against a better Team.
But for all the cas i get there was just one linerat that niggled and one mng.
“Well what can I say about this match? I won, but I wasn't overly proud of myself I must say. My first round draw in the Bloodweiser cup was pretty mismatched and my opponent ended up getting three handicaps. I was somewhat worried about this but in the end the handicaps didn't really help that much. They were Duh where am I?, Buzzing, and Iron man.
My opponent cannily gave iron man to his one turner, he then gave buzzing to one of his storm vermin. He then decided to give bonehead to the move 8 ag 4 ghoul. Personally, I think I might have put it on a mummy. It came into play a few times but it was more of an annoyance than a hindrance.
I lost the toss and despite an opening turn blitz, Bartender Ratz drew first blood on the scoreboard. In the run up to the score however, I had knocked one gutter runner right out of the game and neutralized the one turner. Omasu no doubt felt compelled to score early and not stall because I was scoring many casualties and kos.
Upon getting the ball, I set up a long slow drive that crushed out most of the skaven team. Even double skulls toward the beginning of the drive didn't phase my undead team. I scored on turn 8 with only one rat left on the pitch.
I received in the second half to face only 5 rats on the pitch. I wasted no time in clearing the pitch and scoring. I used kick to send the ball into a corner on the kickoff. My opponent wisely tried to secure the ball first, only having 4 on the pitch now. But double ones blew the pick up and the three on the line were knocked down in short order and after a bit of a scramble, I managed to score again in turn 8 of the final. More rats came back for the last turn but again, a cheap pass and an sp were denied Omasu when a gutter runner failed the ball pickup.
I'd like to thank my opponent for taking this match in stride. This draw would have made many a coach angry I suspect but he kept his cool and displayed a sporting demeanor throughout, even after I gang fouled him to keep a GR down. I look forward to another match with this coach with a more even set of teams.”
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What i got was a bloody nose.
i hoped to get better handicaps that would make my oppenent more problems.
But the best was "iron man" to save my One-Turner.
CanvasBack had good Armor- and injury-Roll and i had lost the first rats in the first rounds.
those rats how were just KO were to scared to come back on the field. so i to play with less people against a better Team.
But for all the cas i get there was just one linerat that niggled and one mng.
so it ended still lucky for me
thx for the game. i had my fun.