CTV 2070k Undead
Undead CTV 2320k
#6 Slash grin – Dead (RIP)
#1 Count Mulmorth – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#1 Count Mulmorth – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#12 Marquis Parzival – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#12 Marquis Parzival – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
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Last turn he succeeded in stripping the ball from Count Luthor leaving a dodge, a pickup and a handoff for the score. Count did his part, but clumsy ghoul snakeeyed the catch, and it was 0-0 at half time.
In 2nd half i severely missed the knocked out wight tackler, and again Theg used his advantage wisely punching and driving up the field. With 1 of my mums gone, the other tied up by a rookie zomb, I had to relie on a semi desperate blitz with trusty count to knock the ball free.
So long, so good, but still the annoying ghouls of the Tomb Kings had the advance in numbers and positioning around the ball. With some more luck i got the ball scattered up field and spotted a small chance of stealing the winning td with a lonely ghoul placed in opposit site from all the action. But allas, another ball handling fumbbl, and my would be hero was surrounded by nasty oppos. Nothin much left to do than to watch the kings run for the victory.
Thanks for a great game, and good luck in next stage! ”