“Underestimating the elves ability to move about the field the ladies were unable to come away with anything but a draw. Really showing what the elves can accomplish with only a few players. Frustrated the ladies unloaded pain on the elf line making sure two of them would never take the field again. While not a win they did make sure there were repercussions for entering their end zone.”
#2 Prince Athulian – Dead (RIP) #7 Pelemine the Scribe – Dead (RIP)
“While Eldamar has an extensive and highly prestigious medical program, the team has yet to recruit an apothecary with which to stanch the deluge of High Elf blood in recent games. Deceased players' roomates receive an automatic 4.0 GPA as well as a signed copy of Dr. Philen Shallowpool's book, "Eldamar BloodBowl: A Legacy of Excellence."
Prince Richard, whose low grades and refusal to even take the SAT, was admitted mid-semester, partly because his father was an esteemed alumnus, and partly because the young upstart knows Block.”
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