“This was definately my biggest screw-up ever on FUMBBL, after an awesome first turn where I Cas'd two Skellies and killed a Mummy with a foul (he regened.../boo), I went and stalled 4 turns only for my AG4 Thrall to roll a 1 on a dodge in T8 after I miscounted how many squares were between hm and the nearest oppo! :(((((
In the second half Mira played well and managed to score leaving me a loser of my own making!!!
After an awesome receiving drive despite blitz, Bradford failed an easy dodge to score shortly before halftime.
2nd half, a too eager ref interrupted the game by sending of both armour specialists and Aamina was able to seize the opportunity and escape the confusion near the line of scrimmage to run for the decisive touchdown.
Rematch next season, Russo! =D”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
In the second half Mira played well and managed to score leaving me a loser of my own making!!!
Well played Mira :(”