The two keyplayers behind the victory was Schoggiköniges thrower and ogre, both having terrible offdays. Especially Heiri Nestlé that failed 5 out of 5 ordinary pickups - with sure hands. Only when a saurus was near the ball he felt inspired to actually get the pigskin. In one of those situation a very spetacular play by the humans was - litterally - first stopped on the goalline. Without rerolls they managed to pick up the ball in a tacklezone, throw it to another player in a tacklezone, making 2 dodges - first one into two tackle zone - without dodge, sprinting to the endzone only to fail last go for it...
All in all Zürcher Schoggikönige failed in this match - but they did it with style.
In the shadow of this the Guerrillas won on two touchdowns, both scored by Sauruses.
The two keyplayers behind the victory was Schoggiköniges thrower and ogre, both having terrible offdays. Especially Heiri Nestlé that failed 5 out of 5 ordinary pickups - with sure hands. Only when a saurus was near the ball he felt inspired to actually get the pigskin. In one of those situation a very spetacular play by the humans was - litterally - first stopped on the goalline. Without rerolls they managed to pick up the ball in a tacklezone, throw it to another player in a tacklezone, making 2 dodges - first one into two tackle zone - without dodge, sprinting to the endzone only to fail last go for it...
All in all Zürcher Schoggikönige failed in this match - but they did it with style.
In the shadow of this the Guerrillas won on two touchdowns, both scored by Sauruses.
Good fun coach.”