#4 Mushroom-Snow – Dead (RIP) #7 Agent Cooper – Dead (RIP)
“147000 fans show up for the first game.
Handicap result 26:ILLEGAL DRUGS (+ st on Qouqxtl Laixk), DUH, WHERE AM I (Truffle) and BAD PRESS.
OurPolly niggles out. Two of their skinks are mng.
We started on offense, and had one great turn where we badly hurt Qouqxtl Laixk (st5 due to illegal drugs) with a foul. However, Frostitute apoed him (obviously thinking he was important in the hunt for gold). The revenge-foul KOs one of our black orcs. And then it all starts going bad.
No offense Frostitue, you would probably have won/tied without luck too, but this game was so absurd. One example - Lizards have used their rr one turn. Go for a risky 5+ unnecessary dodge, and are rewarded with a SI. This injury is followed in second half with two foul-kills. My players are a bit intimidated but start to play better and get a heroic tie.
Thanks F for playing! Good game, and even though I sort of complain about your luck, in the end I was lucky to get a tie, and not getting more players killed ;). See you soon for a rematch!”
Handicap result 26:ILLEGAL DRUGS (+ st on Qouqxtl Laixk), DUH, WHERE AM I (Truffle) and BAD PRESS.
OurPolly niggles out. Two of their skinks are mng.
We started on offense, and had one great turn where we badly hurt Qouqxtl Laixk (st5 due to illegal drugs) with a foul. However, Frostitute apoed him (obviously thinking he was important in the hunt for gold). The revenge-foul KOs one of our black orcs. And then it all starts going bad.
No offense Frostitue, you would probably have won/tied without luck too, but this game was so absurd. One example - Lizards have used their rr one turn. Go for a risky 5+ unnecessary dodge, and are rewarded with a SI. This injury is followed in second half with two foul-kills. My players are a bit intimidated but start to play better and get a heroic tie.
Thanks F for playing! Good game, and even though I sort of complain about your luck, in the end I was lucky to get a tie, and not getting more players killed ;). See you soon for a rematch!”