“Retired a rookie-dwarf and a rookie-hobgob to join a smack! Was it worth the pain?
Well... yes. Lost in the final vs Wreck´s khemri. Only had 12 players for the fight. That made it hard vs 5 st5 and 4 dps... But it was an even game, and if I wouldnt had messed up, it had sure gone to OT at its worst.
My best wizzard ever!
Wreck had a really important onedicer on my cowblodger in first half.
A stupid 2turn-offence from me at the end of first half, and great defence from skeletons.
I had good hits, and so did Wreck.
And the legs of the bulls messed up three times, atleast one too many.
Wreck had amazing 86% after 7 turns. Ended at 69 vs my 60. So we were both lucky, and that made the game fun. And hard.
I am happy with getting away with only 6 fouls from 4 dps on the khemris. That was very good, and something I thought about before the game. Cool... Sometime tactics even works...”
Well... yes. Lost in the final vs Wreck´s khemri. Only had 12 players for the fight. That made it hard vs 5 st5 and 4 dps... But it was an even game, and if I wouldnt had messed up, it had sure gone to OT at its worst.
My best wizzard ever!
Wreck had a really important onedicer on my cowblodger in first half.
A stupid 2turn-offence from me at the end of first half, and great defence from skeletons.
I had good hits, and so did Wreck.
And the legs of the bulls messed up three times, atleast one too many.
Wreck had amazing 86% after 7 turns. Ended at 69 vs my 60. So we were both lucky, and that made the game fun. And hard.
I am happy with getting away with only 6 fouls from 4 dps on the khemris. That was very good, and something I thought about before the game. Cool... Sometime tactics even works...”