“Speedy: They fast fast just like us. But they smushy too. Crunch'em good in their next game they don't need to win the league league, thats a skaven's job job. Theys needin a beatdown good good put em where they belongs.
Spike: They're fast. I kept crunchin this one elfie but he wouldn't stay dead dead. I get more next time.
Rockem & Sockem: I think think that was the first game against some other speedy guys like us. They stole stole that win, let em think otherwise. We'll crush em next time.
Bullseye: That last throw was spot spot on. Not my fault Rockem cant run fast fast like a good skaven. Dirty elves are sneakly little gits & they throw & run like good good skaven.
Kobe: Lettem say whats they want want, They didn't know what was going to happen . Luck thats all it was & don't let them lie to yous about it.
“"I don't put any stock in MVP awards. The people who give out these awards, they're humans, they can't judge an elf no more than peasant can judge a king. We're so far above them, so far. It's laughable. You might as well ask an ant which one of two mountains is higher, when both their tops disappear into the clouds. Its perspective from low, low on the ground, among the dirt and mud, doesn't allow him judgement. Same with us Dark Elves and the rest of you. You can't rate us, you can't judge us, you can't evaluate us. However, the decision to name me Most Valuable Player is backed up by game evidence. The rats were on to something when they decided to foul me of all people. Unfortunately for them, it's impossible to foul as many Dark Elves as you'd need to have a chance of beating us. You'd run out of time while three of us dance circles around your endzone."
---Butcher, Dark Age Outlaws Lineboy (MVP)
"I've done everything now. I have crippled, I have passed, I have scored. What is my preference? If you feed a lion a zebra, a buffalo, and a gazelle, do you ask him what he likes better? He'll hunt and eat what he can get, once he has licked blood. I have tasted prey. My preference is victory."
---Gunn, Dark Age Outlaws Lineboy
"If there ever was a sweeter victory, I have not tasted it. If there ever was a sweeter pass, I have not seen it. If there ever was a surer win, the Gutter Rats would have fumbled that one too. Oh no, I'm kidding. They didn't drop the ball, because they never really had it. We were simply playing with them. Pretending to lose, only so we could then take it all away from them again. To humiliate them. To taunt them. We were always in absolute control. It all went according to plan from beginning to sweet, sweet end."
---Willyam, Dark Age Outlaws Lineboy
"The plan? It was our plan to gamble on the last minute turn-around to pull out a win when we seemed on the verge of defeat? That was our plan all along?You should ask Ruth about it. I'm not paid for lying. That'd cost extra. I can provide the honest truth: I did my job. The rats had no-one who could do their job half as good as I. Thus, they paid the price, we win. End of story."
---Eden Price, Dark Age Outlaws Blitzer
"Did we steal the win? Or did the rats steal the win before we just stole it back?"
---Ruth, Dark Age Outlaws team captain”
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Spike: They're fast. I kept crunchin this one elfie but he wouldn't stay dead dead. I get more next time.
Rockem & Sockem: I think think that was the first game against some other speedy guys like us. They stole stole that win, let em think otherwise. We'll crush em next time.
Bullseye: That last throw was spot spot on. Not my fault Rockem cant run fast fast like a good skaven. Dirty elves are sneakly little gits & they throw & run like good good skaven.
Kobe: Lettem say whats they want want, They didn't know what was going to happen . Luck thats all it was & don't let them lie to yous about it.