“The hunt for Gobble-de-Goo is a troublesome one...
And yet another member of The Roughnecks fell victim to the fact that the team is still without an apoth. This has obviously inspired the ret of The Roughnecks to become more agile, as they claim that undoubtedly will help them escape trouble more often.... We shall see about that...
While searching amongst rocks and small branches for Gobble-de-Goo, The Roughnecks fought it out with a band of greenskins, led by an incredibly stupid troll... This mighty beast managed to infect The Roughnecks two trolls by a so far unseen stupidity, and they thus only played a minor part in The Roughnecks succesful ascape this time.
Perhaps feeding them more stone and dirt will smarten them up - we shall have to try....
The lack of Gobble-de-Goo amongst our ranks is taking a toll on our finances... He MUST be found soon!”
And yet another member of The Roughnecks fell victim to the fact that the team is still without an apoth. This has obviously inspired the ret of The Roughnecks to become more agile, as they claim that undoubtedly will help them escape trouble more often.... We shall see about that...
While searching amongst rocks and small branches for Gobble-de-Goo, The Roughnecks fought it out with a band of greenskins, led by an incredibly stupid troll... This mighty beast managed to infect The Roughnecks two trolls by a so far unseen stupidity, and they thus only played a minor part in The Roughnecks succesful ascape this time.
Perhaps feeding them more stone and dirt will smarten them up - we shall have to try....
The lack of Gobble-de-Goo amongst our ranks is taking a toll on our finances... He MUST be found soon!”