“Upon heated hooves, the chariots of brass and steel slam head-on into their kinsmen of the slain! Clint Eastwood Roles!
Fouls and fists of power flew for 16 turns like blades of bronze! The two veterans of disaster clash all the way down to the wire...either team possibly winning.
Woe to Wake, whos hands of butter could not catch the winning pass! Thy bones shall moan and wail through the night...pulling thy chariot, beastless. Work thy back strong if your hands lack skill!
DeMaio "We shall always play the Clint Eastwood Roles. Hail to black rain and wind that follows their trail of fire and carnage! And Hail to our newest swift rider...Lobo Necro! With courage as thy shield, brave the frontline to glory, victory, and death!"”
Fouls and fists of power flew for 16 turns like blades of bronze! The two veterans of disaster clash all the way down to the wire...either team possibly winning.
Woe to Wake, whos hands of butter could not catch the winning pass! Thy bones shall moan and wail through the night...pulling thy chariot, beastless. Work thy back strong if your hands lack skill!
DeMaio "We shall always play the Clint Eastwood Roles. Hail to black rain and wind that follows their trail of fire and carnage! And Hail to our newest swift rider...Lobo Necro! With courage as thy shield, brave the frontline to glory, victory, and death!"”