“"Do you see these? *Flexes his guns for the reporter* These weren't here before the game. I haven't been in the weight room that much lately..."
-Eagle, Bombers STR 4 Catcher
"Congratulations to the Outlaws on their season championship. We played them hard today, but couldn't quite come through. All we're doing right now is looking to the next game. We want to to come out of this season with as much positive momentum as possible for next season."
-Ace, Bombers Thrower
"What, I'm MVP? Really? Wow, I...sweet! Did I do something spectacular? I'm serious, I can't remember. I didn't? Well...why am I MVP? Oh, the whiskey, I forgot about that...Alright, yeah, tell him I can get him some more next game."
-Coyote, Bombers Lineman”
“"We are the Champions, My Frieee-eeeends! We are the Champions, weeee are the CHAAAMPIONS! No time for losers cuz we are the CHAMPIONS... OF THE WORLD!"
---Willyam, Dark Age Outlaws Lineboy
"Stop singing that clichéd old song. That's so not us!"
---Gunn, Dark Age Outlaws Lineboy
"What do do you mean? We aren't champions?"
---Byll, Dark Age Outlaws Lineboy
"No, but we don't have friends."
---Chasm Dark, Dark Age Outlaws Blitzer
"And we don't need them. It's so much more fun to celebrate in front of enemies, anyway. I'll take angry faces over pats on the shoulder any day of the week and any game of the season. Congratulations, you are given, for the smallest things. Killed a rat? Superduper you! Managed to play a whole game without one of your wolves either getting killed or tripping over his own feet when he has the ball in the endzone? Awesome! Trained your lizard pets to wear funny hats and monocles? You're the best! They throw their praises at you for the most non-noteworthy things. But envy, envy and hate, the sweetest things in life, you gotta earn. And we earned it today by knocking out snot-nosed elves left and right, we earned it with Byll smashing one of theirs to the ground so hard he cried for mommy until the medics came, and *I* earned it by scoring the first half touchdown that tied the game and sent us on our way to the championship if we could only hold on to the result for the second half."
---Yohn, Dark Age Outlaws Lineboy
"Yohn laid the groundwork. And I sealed the deal with the winning touchdown. Even if the Bombers had managed to equalize in the time remaining, we would have had the title. But of course they didn't tie. They are just elves, not dark like us."
---Dalton, Dark Age Outlaws Lineboy”
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-Eagle, Bombers STR 4 Catcher
"Congratulations to the Outlaws on their season championship. We played them hard today, but couldn't quite come through. All we're doing right now is looking to the next game. We want to to come out of this season with as much positive momentum as possible for next season."
-Ace, Bombers Thrower
"What, I'm MVP? Really? Wow, I...sweet! Did I do something spectacular? I'm serious, I can't remember. I didn't? Well...why am I MVP? Oh, the whiskey, I forgot about that...Alright, yeah, tell him I can get him some more next game."
-Coyote, Bombers Lineman”