his 2 DP's were decisive in this game. As with most half decent coaches, an impact team searches/destroyes the opponents key players. It was no different here. And Pete's Orcs are tooled up to the max for their TR.
I'm still left with a bad taste in my mouth after the game, and it has nothing to do with me losing. I was on the back foot from the start due to Pete's better tactics, and I struggled to hang on. So on balance the best coach won.
I should have enjoyed this game a lot. I didn't enjoy it from the 2nd turn. for reasons that are no-ones buisness except mine + Pete's.
his 2 DP's were decisive in this game. As with most half decent coaches, an impact team searches/destroyes the opponents key players. It was no different here. And Pete's Orcs are tooled up to the max for their TR.
I'm still left with a bad taste in my mouth after the game, and it has nothing to do with me losing. I was on the back foot from the start due to Pete's better tactics, and I struggled to hang on. So on balance the best coach won.
I should have enjoyed this game a lot. I didn't enjoy it from the 2nd turn. for reasons that are no-ones buisness except mine + Pete's.
Well played again Pete.....