My team: 3 fouls (trying to send his dirty player out), 1 CAS (blocking), 4 passes, uncountable blocks.
Opposing team: 10 fouls, 1 CAS, 1 pass.
Who played elveslike? Apparently, this was meant to be a recovery game.
Result: in CAPITALS, 3 - 1.
The point in foulin all the time for an elf team instead trying to score TD's? I don't really know. That's a question with just an answer.
I hope seeing this help all those yokel players to learn how to play this game in another way. And most of all... learn some honesty, humility and gentlemanliness (would u have 2 look 4 these words in an english diccionary? Probably).”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
My team: 3 fouls (trying to send his dirty player out), 1 CAS (blocking), 4 passes, uncountable blocks.
Opposing team: 10 fouls, 1 CAS, 1 pass.
Who played elveslike? Apparently, this was meant to be a recovery game.
Result: in CAPITALS, 3 - 1.
The point in foulin all the time for an elf team instead trying to score TD's? I don't really know. That's a question with just an answer.
I hope seeing this help all those yokel players to learn how to play this game in another way. And most of all... learn some honesty, humility and gentlemanliness (would u have 2 look 4 these words in an english diccionary? Probably).”