Some mind blanks caused some mistakes. A solid stall in the first half should've been the plan. But with the elves down in the numbers they sought a 2nd TD in the same half. Alas, the elves got the ball and danced down to convert on some bad vision.
Seeking a draw rather than a loss Dunc cuddle the sideline hiding behind some mean looking orcs. As mentioned by snorri, some favouring dice (with no re-rolls) allowed him to scoot through and around and push dunc into the crowd. Enjoyable game, with some tactic review required on Orcs defending against Elves.
#1 Reticent Acquesciance – Dead (RIP) #8 Ecclesiarchial Ministries – Dead (RIP)
“Well! It looks as if the Seekers of the Sepulchre are a rather literal bunch. Five blocks into the game and one of the lads was on the ko bench and two more had already found the sepulchre! Luckily fate spared them for the rest of the game, so the team may *just* still have a future.
Despite the rocky start, it was an absolute perler of an entrance to the big leagues. They found their feet and played like ghosts of the vanguard past who've just remembered what its like to defy the intimidations of a bashing machine!
Addendum:Silence of the Night had a blinder. Not only in it for the passes, rushes and the mvp, he also pulled off the best move ever made in Snorriheim's bowl. Turn 15, with the orcs strangely pursuing a stalling strategy for a draw (why they didn't push downfield hard for the win in the second half we'll never figure out), an orc td looked inevitable. But Uncle Dunc sought refuge on the sideline with the ball (never a safe place to be) and fell victim to a frenzied attack from Silence of the Night. A 2+,3+ and 5+ dodge, followed up by an insane 2d against block and Uncle Dunc and the ball were lost to the antics of the crowd! And to rub it in, Hand of Fate dodged daWall and cleared the ball to secure the seekers their first win.
It was a pretty harsh moment for the delta brotherhood and they came out swinging. If we ever meet again it will be interesting. Will the orcs come out swinging or will they have learnt a couple of new tricks instead? Whatever the case, it'll make a good grudge match.”
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Some mind blanks caused some mistakes. A solid stall in the first half should've been the plan. But with the elves down in the numbers they sought a 2nd TD in the same half. Alas, the elves got the ball and danced down to convert on some bad vision.
Seeking a draw rather than a loss Dunc cuddle the sideline hiding behind some mean looking orcs. As mentioned by snorri, some favouring dice (with no re-rolls) allowed him to scoot through and around and push dunc into the crowd. Enjoyable game, with some tactic review required on Orcs defending against Elves.
Cheers Snorri - see you next season i hope ;)”