Boo... he had cash and would get handicaps and I was paranoid about Virus.
The Virus didnt hit, but my best Rotter was hauled off to jail and I had one niggle fail... therefore down to 11 players.
Then I had 4 of my 5 rerolls stolen by Chefs and the reroll count was 1-9 (then 10 in the 2nd half due to fans)
Then Deeproot came out to play!
So, I did what I had to do and ground out a win, I was getting booed left right and centre, but thats OK... I was lucky though that the trees didnt do too much damage with one of them taking root early each half.
So, I scraped through... lost one Rotter for next game, but bought another one so I should field three pending handicaps etc next game.
Thanks for ultwe for the game, good on him for taking Flings!
My round 2 will be against a Zon or Dwarf team... I hope the zons win but get mauled in the process!”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Entered flings for a laugh, and when I saw the team I had to face, I thought I had an outside chance....
It wasn't to be, and gratz to Clay for the win.
Well, now that I am out, may the best coach win, (as long as he is in the WIL) :-)”