In T1 I lose my DP sent of straight away, also my only Guard Longbeard gets BH too.
My opponent then loses a Ghoul and Werewolf before half time BH.
Then he gets a lucky break and the ball gets thrown in perfectly for his werewolf in the second half. I manage to blitz the werwolf and recover the ball, but in trying to safe guard the ball he intercepts and scores.
Game over! Well done mate :D
Good game if somewhat annoying to lose after almost securing a safe 1-0 win.”
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In T1 I lose my DP sent of straight away, also my only Guard Longbeard gets BH too.
My opponent then loses a Ghoul and Werewolf before half time BH.
Then he gets a lucky break and the ball gets thrown in perfectly for his werewolf in the second half. I manage to blitz the werwolf and recover the ball, but in trying to safe guard the ball he intercepts and scores.
Game over! Well done mate :D
Good game if somewhat annoying to lose after almost securing a safe 1-0 win.”