“Well MORLEY’S REVENGE all should be nice and easy. The Rotters did not really have a problem, well actually one problem. THE COACH himself. Got overconfident and wanted to skill a beastmen. Throw+TD = skill. So tried for to many turns and then the elf got the ball and made a throw. Why I lost :(
Stupid of me? Pretty much, should just have scored and then have outnumbered and take the ball from on the kick-off. A lesson I have learned. Make the TD!
Thanks for the game.
Oh yeah, bumper made it into the cas top10 Nurgle Rotter team list :D”
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Stupid of me? Pretty much, should just have scored and then have outnumbered and take the ball from on the kick-off. A lesson I have learned. Make the TD!
Thanks for the game.
Oh yeah, bumper made it into the cas top10 Nurgle Rotter team list :D”