“I have never, ever seen a game like this one before! I had the craziest luck in a thousand years, no shit!
For one thing, first move of the game (the skaven were receiving), their Rat Ogre fall over, and seriously injures himself.. and it only went downhill from there for the furry little buggers. Andeby United were quick to capture the ball, and a score didn't take long.
A superb move after the kick-off (alright, I rolled a Blitz!) sent the Elves on a winning course, and - once again - a Blitz! move followed the kick-off. A mistake by Catcher #3 Anders And meant that no more goals were scored before the half-time whistle, but little did Gothenburg Blights know that Andeby were just warming up. Superbly outwitting his counterpart, Andeby made their third succesful Blitz! move when supposedly on defence, gaining the ball. (I made 6 kick-offs in this game, of which: 3 were Blitzes, 2 were Perfect Defence and one was Cheering Fans which I won...!!!!).
I could go on, but at around this point the absurdities just became too much and I spent most of my time laughing very loud (the neighbors noticed!) because I was so lucky..
In the end, the Rats had very, very little luck (a measly 1 SPP's were earned in addition to the 5 from the MVP). Respect to PluTT for not conceeding what must have been a truly shitty game for him. And even more respect for not complaining during the game... really enjoyable opponent, I would like to play a game in which Lady Luck's favours were given out more equal.. not that I'm complaining of course!).
I made an insane 44 Star Player Points from this game, I have never seen of heard of anything even remotely like that..
Great game for me and Andeby United. At least Gothenburg Blights didn't suffer any permanent injuries (well 2 x MNG but that's hardly permanent..). ”
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