“"This game had everything! BLOOD, BLOOD, unbelieveable plays, BLOOD, exciting down-to-the-wire back and forth action, BLOOD and most importantly BLOOD. And also, we won. That's always a plus in my book."
---Butcher, Dark Age Outlaws Lineboy
"Eagle and Falcon. Standing at our endzone. K-I-S-S-I-N-G."
---Starr, Dark Age Outlaws Lineboy
"Why did I kill Hawk? Since when do I need a reason to kill? But okay, I did have a reason this time, actually. Have you seen how those Bomber catchers play? You have to hurt them every chance you get. And Hawk was the only one of them I could get my hands on. Believe me, I'd have rather slit the throat of Falcon or Vulture or Eagle. Or Ace. But you never get close enough to Ace. He always hangs around up back, setting up his impossible high passes. That coward."
---Dalton, Dark Age Outlaws Lineboy
"The Bombers were a worthy adversary today. Oh, holy hell, I get a disgusting taste on my tongue even just saying it. But it's true! ... true, another word where speaking it feels like vomiting in my own mouth. Vulture, especially, was outstanding. I even approve of his name. Vulture. Prays on dead things. Or things nearly dead that can't defend themselves. Good stuff. Twice he broke through our lines. Twice I took him down. Knocked him out, stunned him. But everytime he or one of his fellow catchers got back out of nowhere and made life, made getting the ball, made even simply moving around, as difficult for us as picking up the ball is for a Blue-Collared Bulk player. Despite all my tackles, Vulture somehow managed to squeeze out a touchdown against us."
---Eden Price, Dark Age Outlaws Blitzer
"I'll accept this MVP award on behalf of our new medic, who did well first ignoring Armon Gale as he bled to death in favor of more prolific Outlaws, and later patching up our Witch Mary who actually earned the privilege of life-saving measures. As for Armon... if you're sole contribution to the team after seven games is one pass completion, well, you're not worth the price of the bandages and the sewing kit it'd take to stitch your wounds."
---Chasm Dark, Dark Age Outlaws Blitzer
---Mary, Dark Age Outlaws Witch”
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---Butcher, Dark Age Outlaws Lineboy
"Eagle and Falcon. Standing at our endzone. K-I-S-S-I-N-G."
---Starr, Dark Age Outlaws Lineboy
"Why did I kill Hawk? Since when do I need a reason to kill? But okay, I did have a reason this time, actually. Have you seen how those Bomber catchers play? You have to hurt them every chance you get. And Hawk was the only one of them I could get my hands on. Believe me, I'd have rather slit the throat of Falcon or Vulture or Eagle. Or Ace. But you never get close enough to Ace. He always hangs around up back, setting up his impossible high passes. That coward."
---Dalton, Dark Age Outlaws Lineboy
"The Bombers were a worthy adversary today. Oh, holy hell, I get a disgusting taste on my tongue even just saying it. But it's true! ... true, another word where speaking it feels like vomiting in my own mouth. Vulture, especially, was outstanding. I even approve of his name. Vulture. Prays on dead things. Or things nearly dead that can't defend themselves. Good stuff. Twice he broke through our lines. Twice I took him down. Knocked him out, stunned him. But everytime he or one of his fellow catchers got back out of nowhere and made life, made getting the ball, made even simply moving around, as difficult for us as picking up the ball is for a Blue-Collared Bulk player. Despite all my tackles, Vulture somehow managed to squeeze out a touchdown against us."
---Eden Price, Dark Age Outlaws Blitzer
"I'll accept this MVP award on behalf of our new medic, who did well first ignoring Armon Gale as he bled to death in favor of more prolific Outlaws, and later patching up our Witch Mary who actually earned the privilege of life-saving measures. As for Armon... if you're sole contribution to the team after seven games is one pass completion, well, you're not worth the price of the bandages and the sewing kit it'd take to stitch your wounds."
---Chasm Dark, Dark Age Outlaws Blitzer
---Mary, Dark Age Outlaws Witch”