“We started with the advantage in players 13-10 overall and got perfect defense on the opening kick, which really ended up hurting us instead of helping. The Knights scored at the end of the first half to take the lead 1-0. 2nd half saw Maximus receive the ball, scoring on turn 4 and taking to of the chaos along with it (BH). We both had 2 in the cas box but it didn't help him as we were still up 11-8 in players on the pitch. Kickoff to the Knights was yet another perfect defensem allowing me to put the beast on the outside, effectively tanglign them up. We took the ball from the carrier and scored on T15. Lining up my 3 0 SPP beastmen on the line to start turn 16, the Maximus team saw Typhoon killed by a block and Stinger SI by a T16 foul, revenge for winning, I believe. All in all a good game where I got lucky enough to beat a better coach.