Going into the game there had been a lot of comments made...as each of our players walked out of the locker room they walked past the clipping from the paper: "Coach Prasomchai boldly claims Green Cholera will win the AFL championship again. When asked, Coach Prasomchai seemed at a loss to even name the team that was going to be playing against Green Cholera...". Indeed, our players were inspired by this and played hard in the first half. Two KOs on turn 1 gave us the the numerical advantage that we attempted to exploit but more armor breaks simply would not come as the stubborn Green Cholera defense hung tough. Finally, a sliver of an opening was enough and a beastman struck and the ball was free - but it was well surrounded and Anita snagged it and on the next turn scampered into the endzone for the 1-0 lead. Green Cholera had used all their team RRs on defense but 3 turns remained for them...they failed to cover the ball and instead made some blocks...it backfired as some skulls made it a turnover. Finally with a chance to show what they can do, the bulls plowed forward, shredding attempted tackles, smashing aside the only mark on the ball and scooping it up. With no RR, Green Cholera only had 1 chance at the ballcarrier, they saved the wizard and took the 2d block, it was only a push...surrounding Hthark as best as possible....they prayed...but it did not work - Hthark blitzed out - breaking more tackles and he raced into the endzone for the 2-0 halftime lead.
At halftime break, we discussed our strategy for the second half - on defense the 2 ST 6 break tackle bulls was amazing and we figured to ride them in the second half to preserve the victory and shutout. Optimistic we marched back out for the second half...it started well - nothing could prevent our bulls from smashing through the cage and sure enough the ball carrier was nailed and the ball knocked into the crowd...they tossed it back into Green Cholera's backfield...no one was there and Anita (ST 6 bull) jogged back to mark the ball...the beast and all the rotters were engaged and just a few beastmen would not be able to get Anita down and steal the ball...and then ARGH! Snake eyes on the gfi and Anita falls. However, we were still in good shape...then the Green Cholera star player made a 1d blitz on Hthark (33% chance of failing and causing turnover)...gets the POW...breaks armor (AV 10)...badly hurts him! Right after the snake eyes...Hthark is gone for the game. With the bulls down and even 1d and 2d block dropping our players, a pass and catch by the beastmen and suddenly it was 2-1. Only 4 turns left however...we received the ball and moved up on the flank - fairly spread out...however, a fireball nailed the hobgoblin carrying the ball..but the protection is good...however, their star (AG 2) swoops in and grabs the ball. However, Anita makes the 2+ dodge and 2d block on ball carrier and the ball is loose. However, even with multiple players marking the ball, every 1d block and 2d block was a knockdown if needed (like the standfirm) and a beastman made the 3+ dodge, the pickup, raced across the field, made the handoff and gfi to the far sideline. We still managed to mark him against the sideline with a dwarf (so needed 3+ blitz to knock the dwarf away) and needed gfi...but without needing a RR, Green Cholera completes the amazing comeback to tie the score at 2-2. Very well played by Green Cholera!
The teams collected at the sidelines and the coaching staff went over our mistakes and poor job in the second half - and how to fix it! We still had a solid team...it was still 11 on 11. The coin flip was in our favor and we received the ball...it arced high and we managed to shift a little and Asher moved under the ball - catching it. However, right at the end of the second half it has started to snow...the cheering from the fans seemed less in the harsh conditions...and the bulls did not want to push their speed in the slippery conditions. We marched forward and started to pound away. Green Cholera was out of RRs and we were just waiting for a mistake...a skull on a block - they were making several 1d blocks (as we were too) - had to with the jockeying of position on both sides...a mistake finally came when they failed to realize our one dwarf has standfirm and their star blitzed him, but could not mark Asher. Asher could race for the endzone...with sure feet and team RR, odds were decent of scoring...however, the coach gave the order for the higher percentage play - marking all the Green Cholera players - Asher moved within striking distance (3 spaces from endzone). With no team RR, the only option for Green Cholera was a 4+ dodge for a 2d blitz...6 on the dodge, double POW on the blitz and the ball was loose. However, with only 1 mark on the ball, we knew we could get it back...however, 1d block on Anita was a POW...with the knockdown it freed a rotter to also mark the ball. In the harsh blizzard...the opposition making amazing play after amazing play...a truly inspired defense...would it end in a draw? Only 3 turns left...one mark was knocked off the ball, but Asher went for pickup got a 4...needed a 5 because of the player marking it...last team RR was saved. With both bulls and our standfirm dwarf on the ball, Green Cholera was playing for the draw - trying to knock us off...but the 1d blocks were all pow/skull or pushes...on T7 of OT, we make 3 2d blocks for all pushes or POWs and that freed up Asher...pickup and score? YES! He calmly grabbed the ball and crossed the goal line to the roar of the remaining crowd!
At the end, Grumble holding the MVP trophy from the game had the following to say: "The whole team deserves the MVP today, we came out strong and after a terrible start to the second half and some great players making great plays by our opponent, we sort of lost our focus...but we regained it in time to finally shove these rotters back where they belong. We greatly respect our opponents - they played an awesome game to comeback from 2 TDs down. We got great respect for them and look forward to meeting them again on the pitch!" The reporter was also heard asking after Coach Prasomchai to see if he could comment on the game...but no one seemed to be able to find him...”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Going into the game there had been a lot of comments made...as each of our players walked out of the locker room they walked past the clipping from the paper: "Coach Prasomchai boldly claims Green Cholera will win the AFL championship again. When asked, Coach Prasomchai seemed at a loss to even name the team that was going to be playing against Green Cholera...". Indeed, our players were inspired by this and played hard in the first half. Two KOs on turn 1 gave us the the numerical advantage that we attempted to exploit but more armor breaks simply would not come as the stubborn Green Cholera defense hung tough. Finally, a sliver of an opening was enough and a beastman struck and the ball was free - but it was well surrounded and Anita snagged it and on the next turn scampered into the endzone for the 1-0 lead. Green Cholera had used all their team RRs on defense but 3 turns remained for them...they failed to cover the ball and instead made some blocks...it backfired as some skulls made it a turnover. Finally with a chance to show what they can do, the bulls plowed forward, shredding attempted tackles, smashing aside the only mark on the ball and scooping it up. With no RR, Green Cholera only had 1 chance at the ballcarrier, they saved the wizard and took the 2d block, it was only a push...surrounding Hthark as best as possible....they prayed...but it did not work - Hthark blitzed out - breaking more tackles and he raced into the endzone for the 2-0 halftime lead.
At halftime break, we discussed our strategy for the second half - on defense the 2 ST 6 break tackle bulls was amazing and we figured to ride them in the second half to preserve the victory and shutout. Optimistic we marched back out for the second half...it started well - nothing could prevent our bulls from smashing through the cage and sure enough the ball carrier was nailed and the ball knocked into the crowd...they tossed it back into Green Cholera's backfield...no one was there and Anita (ST 6 bull) jogged back to mark the ball...the beast and all the rotters were engaged and just a few beastmen would not be able to get Anita down and steal the ball...and then ARGH! Snake eyes on the gfi and Anita falls. However, we were still in good shape...then the Green Cholera star player made a 1d blitz on Hthark (33% chance of failing and causing turnover)...gets the POW...breaks armor (AV 10)...badly hurts him! Right after the snake eyes...Hthark is gone for the game. With the bulls down and even 1d and 2d block dropping our players, a pass and catch by the beastmen and suddenly it was 2-1. Only 4 turns left however...we received the ball and moved up on the flank - fairly spread out...however, a fireball nailed the hobgoblin carrying the ball..but the protection is good...however, their star (AG 2) swoops in and grabs the ball. However, Anita makes the 2+ dodge and 2d block on ball carrier and the ball is loose. However, even with multiple players marking the ball, every 1d block and 2d block was a knockdown if needed (like the standfirm) and a beastman made the 3+ dodge, the pickup, raced across the field, made the handoff and gfi to the far sideline. We still managed to mark him against the sideline with a dwarf (so needed 3+ blitz to knock the dwarf away) and needed gfi...but without needing a RR, Green Cholera completes the amazing comeback to tie the score at 2-2. Very well played by Green Cholera!
The teams collected at the sidelines and the coaching staff went over our mistakes and poor job in the second half - and how to fix it! We still had a solid team...it was still 11 on 11. The coin flip was in our favor and we received the ball...it arced high and we managed to shift a little and Asher moved under the ball - catching it. However, right at the end of the second half it has started to snow...the cheering from the fans seemed less in the harsh conditions...and the bulls did not want to push their speed in the slippery conditions. We marched forward and started to pound away. Green Cholera was out of RRs and we were just waiting for a mistake...a skull on a block - they were making several 1d blocks (as we were too) - had to with the jockeying of position on both sides...a mistake finally came when they failed to realize our one dwarf has standfirm and their star blitzed him, but could not mark Asher. Asher could race for the endzone...with sure feet and team RR, odds were decent of scoring...however, the coach gave the order for the higher percentage play - marking all the Green Cholera players - Asher moved within striking distance (3 spaces from endzone). With no team RR, the only option for Green Cholera was a 4+ dodge for a 2d blitz...6 on the dodge, double POW on the blitz and the ball was loose. However, with only 1 mark on the ball, we knew we could get it back...however, 1d block on Anita was a POW...with the knockdown it freed a rotter to also mark the ball. In the harsh blizzard...the opposition making amazing play after amazing play...a truly inspired defense...would it end in a draw? Only 3 turns left...one mark was knocked off the ball, but Asher went for pickup got a 4...needed a 5 because of the player marking it...last team RR was saved. With both bulls and our standfirm dwarf on the ball, Green Cholera was playing for the draw - trying to knock us off...but the 1d blocks were all pow/skull or pushes...on T7 of OT, we make 3 2d blocks for all pushes or POWs and that freed up Asher...pickup and score? YES! He calmly grabbed the ball and crossed the goal line to the roar of the remaining crowd!
At the end, Grumble holding the MVP trophy from the game had the following to say: "The whole team deserves the MVP today, we came out strong and after a terrible start to the second half and some great players making great plays by our opponent, we sort of lost our focus...but we regained it in time to finally shove these rotters back where they belong. We greatly respect our opponents - they played an awesome game to comeback from 2 TDs down. We got great respect for them and look forward to meeting them again on the pitch!" The reporter was also heard asking after Coach Prasomchai to see if he could comment on the game...but no one seemed to be able to find him...”