“8th game between the teams.
Handicaps for chaos are Buzzing (Mac Magnusson).
Three nonskilled chaos beastman are mng but they still field 12.
We start on offense. They get the ref but are nice not to foul to much. We manage to score due to a double skulls that makes Pug go KO. Last turn they foul our niggled played nicely to a av-drop :).
Second half and Pug stays KO, seems he is getting more and more clever with age, and with crowded Mac Magnusson MNG, they only field 10. A blitz gives us even advantage but we fail to line up the guards well, and they KO a black orc and mng a blitzer with a onedicer. They continue to hurt us and score T4.
Pug comes back for our 5 turns of offense, which means they field 11 again. Pug leaps and gets the ball loose in our cage, but we are lucky on dodges and manage to protect the ball for a tie.
I have no idea how he, Smashak, does it - always positioning his guards so well. I can only hope I will learn to do it so nicely one day. Thanks mate. ”
Handicaps for chaos are Buzzing (Mac Magnusson).
Three nonskilled chaos beastman are mng but they still field 12.
We start on offense. They get the ref but are nice not to foul to much. We manage to score due to a double skulls that makes Pug go KO. Last turn they foul our niggled played nicely to a av-drop :).
Second half and Pug stays KO, seems he is getting more and more clever with age, and with crowded Mac Magnusson MNG, they only field 10. A blitz gives us even advantage but we fail to line up the guards well, and they KO a black orc and mng a blitzer with a onedicer. They continue to hurt us and score T4.
Pug comes back for our 5 turns of offense, which means they field 11 again. Pug leaps and gets the ball loose in our cage, but we are lucky on dodges and manage to protect the ball for a tie.
I have no idea how he, Smashak, does it - always positioning his guards so well. I can only hope I will learn to do it so nicely one day. Thanks mate. ”