Royal Naboo Security Force vs Corellian Crushers
The match was delayed by a massive disturbense in the very foundation of the Force. When the match finally began, it was obvious that it was a live ammo drill. Players went left and right in the KO boxes. After 3 turn to each side, there was only 13 players on the field. Only a few minor injuries, but a handful of KO´s on either side.
After the brute start of the match, the Force interviened and slowed the power of the blocks and made the ball slippery and even invisible. Coursing a lot of turnovers.
In the middle of first. half, Security Officer Kerl tried to pass an intergalactic phonenumber to a female spectator, and was promptly removed by Palace Guard Perosi. And had to spend the rest of the match in the BH zone
After the first TD (scored by Palace Guard Perosei) the medic teams on both teams had a hard time getting the KO´ed players back on the field. Worst was it for the Crushers... Only 4 players was able to start at turn 5.. Exept from a heroic effort from Clone trooper 091101, that nearly gave a TD to the Crushers, there where no chance for the Corellians, to stop the Security force, until the KO box had been emptied. giving the Security force an easy TD before hafltime.
Second half started with a perfect kick, putting the Crushers under pressure from the start. Nonetheless Jedi Mace U Upp made a run for the Endzone leaving the bewildered Security officers bewildered. A sprinted Blitz and a rr from Palace Guard Perosi, sended Mace U Upp on his back, giving the Security officers a chance to getting their hands on the ball... They app. chose not to... and left it up to Perosi to get the ball down field, where he passed the ball to Palace Guard Panaka for the 3rd and last TD of the match.”
Royal Naboo Security Force vs Corellian Crushers
The match was delayed by a massive disturbense in the very foundation of the Force. When the match finally began, it was obvious that it was a live ammo drill. Players went left and right in the KO boxes. After 3 turn to each side, there was only 13 players on the field. Only a few minor injuries, but a handful of KO´s on either side.
After the brute start of the match, the Force interviened and slowed the power of the blocks and made the ball slippery and even invisible. Coursing a lot of turnovers.
In the middle of first. half, Security Officer Kerl tried to pass an intergalactic phonenumber to a female spectator, and was promptly removed by Palace Guard Perosi. And had to spend the rest of the match in the BH zone
After the first TD (scored by Palace Guard Perosei) the medic teams on both teams had a hard time getting the KO´ed players back on the field. Worst was it for the Crushers... Only 4 players was able to start at turn 5.. Exept from a heroic effort from Clone trooper 091101, that nearly gave a TD to the Crushers, there where no chance for the Corellians, to stop the Security force, until the KO box had been emptied. giving the Security force an easy TD before hafltime.
Second half started with a perfect kick, putting the Crushers under pressure from the start. Nonetheless Jedi Mace U Upp made a run for the Endzone leaving the bewildered Security officers bewildered. A sprinted Blitz and a rr from Palace Guard Perosi, sended Mace U Upp on his back, giving the Security officers a chance to getting their hands on the ball... They app. chose not to... and left it up to Perosi to get the ball down field, where he passed the ball to Palace Guard Panaka for the 3rd and last TD of the match.”