“Well, the game was... interesting? Despite me receiving first I couldn't do much to prevent him scoring a 2 turn TD: First he got a devastating perfect defense, than I got double 1 on a GFI with reroll. From turn 4 or 5 on the game got buggy: It started with Raw having a disconnect and immediate reconnect. I told him several times that we had to reload the match but he just played on and told me to sync my game to his. Well, next turn I couldn't select my ball carrier so we had to reload. After several failed attempts we finally managed to get the game going again. But after only 1 or 2 turns Raw had another disconnect. We tried, I think, 4 or 5 times until we got the game running again. That is, only after me telling him to reload, him finishing his turn (with off sync dice rolls) and me telling him that I couldn't select any of my players. After the reload I was surprised to find several of my players down - on my client they all had only been pushed back, leaving none of my players in scoring range. Well, bad luck, I guess. So off we went but suddenly (still first half) the dice were out of sync again. And again Raw didn't want to reload but told me to sync and play on. Well, I did... Suddenly I found myself in turn 9 first half? I clicked 'turn' and we went for half time. After setting up for second half the game suddenly was over and uploaded. As the admins couldn't do anything as the game was completely uploaded.
So, this game really taught me one thing: Never, ever, play on after the game is out of sync or one player had a disconnect! (Bitter) Lesson learned!
Grats on his points to Raw, hope you now know better.”
So, this game really taught me one thing: Never, ever, play on after the game is out of sync or one player had a disconnect! (Bitter) Lesson learned!
Grats on his points to Raw, hope you now know better.”