#8 Ray Kuterre [901273] – Serious Concussion (-AV)
“"-I hate this cat and mouse game! I say we stop running now and fight instead Zayne!" Jarael threw the electrodriver into the mechanical bag, tools flying.
"-Calm down Jarael. Anger will not take us far and it will not help us to think clearly. You know where anger takes you."
Jarael stares at Zayne. She clenches her hands and her knuckles turns white from the pressure. She fills her lungs with air and holds it down for a long period. She closes her eyes and tries to clear her thoughts. She then lets the air go with a big sigh.
"-You are right, Zayne" Jarael sits down on the floor. Starts to collect the tools. "-We need to get this piece of junk up and running so we can get of this Force forsaken planet before anymore Sith agents finds us. Or the Masters for that sake."
Zayne sat down beside her. Put his Thermalburner in the tool bag and closed it.
"-Yes you are right my friend. We need to get of this planet fast and keep a low profile among all the backwater planets in this system. With both the Sith's and our old Masters on our tail we need to rely on the Force to guide us through. Another accounter like the one today could be fatal."
Zayne stood up. He reached for the tool bag and started to go away into a side shaft leading away from the bridge on the spacecraft.
"Hey Jarael! Take a look at the clones. Se if Ray and Mirek are healing properly in the Bacta Tanks. I will be wrestling with the Navigation module to get this piece of crap off this planet tonight."
"-Ok. Where are we heading then? To another backwater world?"
"-Yep. Thats how it's gonna be for a while, before things settle. Don't worry Jarael. We have been through worse and survived havent we? Ha ha ha."
Zayne's laughter echoed down the tunnel. Jarael pushed the opening stud and entered the medicae facility. She muttered to herself so Zayne wouldn't hear her.
"Yeah we have old friend...... but I have a bad feeling about this"
“The dark side of the Force made yet a powerful surge, this time in the Alderaan system where the Sith manipulated Hoth Assault Force engaged the Jedi Survivors of Taris.
The SoT receieved first in the glaring sun. Many thought the sun would mean trouble for the snowequipped HAF, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Already from the outset the fierce troopers of the HAF, working a defensive line, pounded the weakling Jedi scum into the ground and hurt them badly.
The SoT attempted a sneak maneuver near the sidelines, but were instantly befallen with the HAF schocktroopers, spearheaded by General Veers. One of the Jedis almost slipped through, but was quickly taken down and the ball retrieved by Veers. A moment later and Mara Jade flew past the incapacitated Jedi droids.
In the second half the HAF received and instantly went to work dealing out more pain. With two Jedi droids still missing from the 1st half the SoT were struggling with positioning. To top it off the referee was found strangled dead, eyes bulging from their sockets and an angry red gauntlet mark around his neck.
Taking advantage of this, the HAF pushed hard down the middle. Goaded on by a wickedly smiling Mara Jade the HAF troopers fouled the downed droids and Jedis. One of the troopers reported that he swore he heard Mara Jade saying "...yes, release your anger trooper. Feel the sweet nectar of hatred as you strike down your fallen enemy. No mercy. Closer and closer to the dark..."
There was nothing to stop the HAF from scoring a second and winning touchdown at the end.
Now the HAF are being redirected to clean up a rabble of Ryoth Rebel scum that were hit earlier by one of the Emperors zombot squads.
Long live the Emperor!
Thanks for the game magan, this turned into an absurdly uneven matchup. Id go so far as to call it a farce. You still hung in there and kept a good spirit though. Whatever a good spirit is good for... muahahhahaa!
edit: changed HoF to HAF. I can't spell.”
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"-Calm down Jarael. Anger will not take us far and it will not help us to think clearly. You know where anger takes you."
Jarael stares at Zayne. She clenches her hands and her knuckles turns white from the pressure. She fills her lungs with air and holds it down for a long period. She closes her eyes and tries to clear her thoughts. She then lets the air go with a big sigh.
"-You are right, Zayne" Jarael sits down on the floor. Starts to collect the tools. "-We need to get this piece of junk up and running so we can get of this Force forsaken planet before anymore Sith agents finds us. Or the Masters for that sake."
Zayne sat down beside her. Put his Thermalburner in the tool bag and closed it.
"-Yes you are right my friend. We need to get of this planet fast and keep a low profile among all the backwater planets in this system. With both the Sith's and our old Masters on our tail we need to rely on the Force to guide us through. Another accounter like the one today could be fatal."
Zayne stood up. He reached for the tool bag and started to go away into a side shaft leading away from the bridge on the spacecraft.
"Hey Jarael! Take a look at the clones. Se if Ray and Mirek are healing properly in the Bacta Tanks. I will be wrestling with the Navigation module to get this piece of crap off this planet tonight."
"-Ok. Where are we heading then? To another backwater world?"
"-Yep. Thats how it's gonna be for a while, before things settle. Don't worry Jarael. We have been through worse and survived havent we? Ha ha ha."
Zayne's laughter echoed down the tunnel. Jarael pushed the opening stud and entered the medicae facility. She muttered to herself so Zayne wouldn't hear her.
"Yeah we have old friend...... but I have a bad feeling about this"
Tnx for the game. To bad I couldn't put up more of a fight.
Good luck in the future”