Bob: Good morning sports fans, it is a clear sky and the ground dry for what should be a great game.
Jim: Thats right Bob the floor is ready to soak up blood, and here come the players
Bob: Due to a nasty blow in his previous match Bral the Red is sitting this one out
Jim: 7 casulties in 10 games means he will be a major miss for the steelers and the fans
Bob: Dwarfs kick and the match begins, and it looks as if the Rams are going for an all out weighted offence with those nasty Black Orcs punching the Minnors in to the ground
Jim: Lug or more affectionatly know to the fans as Kool Hands, has pickd up the ball and move to the left flank waitng for an opening
Bob: And There it Is Jim, Grashnak has knocked the Dwarf lineman flying and a gaping hole has apperard in the Steelers Defence, Kool realeases the ball which is caught smoothly by Griznak
Jim: The Orcs Fans Cheer as he gallops towards the end zone, but whats this Dwarf Blitzer Celfe has broken away from his marker and runs stright at... Owch thats gonna hurt
Bob: Yes the Orc Fans go wild as Griznak Scores a touchdown by spiking the ball in to the prone Dwarfs face
Bob: Rams Kick lands nicley for tor the dwarf Runner who picks it up and runs towards the right flank
Jim: Celfe has smashed his way down the Rams Left Flank and is standing on there touch line and shouting for the ball. Karnvor sees this and cocks back his arm for a throw... but wait somethings caught his eye and the ball drops from his hands.
Bob: Thats right jim one of those lovely Orc fans has blown him a kiss and shown a bit of cleavage
Jim: thats right and poor celfe is gonna suffer for this summers love as Uruk Blitzis him into the crowd, and there goes his head
Bob: Wrong Jim, thats just his helmet whare has the dwarf gone?
Jim: Over there the Dwarf Coach is pulling something out from under the stands and yes it looks to me to be Celfe, however I don't think he will be playing again this match
Bob: and during that little scene the Orcs have scored another touch down and it looks to me that Black Orc Bolg is carying the limp body of Dwarf Blocker Kedin and thrown him into the Steelers Dug Out
Jim: How considerate of Him
2nd HALF
Bob: the players come on to the pitch and the steelers seem badly out numbered, this might explain the Right Weighted set up
Jim: Orcs Kick and whats this...
Bob: the Rams Fans have decided to get in on the action and they knocking the dwarf players around like some giant pin ball machine...
Jim: Finally the Refs get the Fans back to the seats and we can begin, sadly however it looks like the Dwarf players may take some time getting up to there feet, but still they do in great dwarf tradtion as the remaining 8 dwarfs hammer into the orc opponets.
Bob: Look Jim Silem just snapped the neck of Gorken.
Jim: Thats gonne leave a mark in the morning but with a quick snap back in the oppersite direction by the Rams apothecary and he is good to go
Bob: thats Orcs for you, a broken neck has never stopped us before
Jim: as long as your brething of course
Bob: never Stopped you
Jim: touche
Bob: and the Rams score another easy touch down and another as all the Steelers seem to care about is doing dammage to the Rams as the fouls rain down.
Jim: Finall score 4-0 Rams
Bob: and 2-1 Rams
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Bob: Good morning sports fans, it is a clear sky and the ground dry for what should be a great game.
Jim: Thats right Bob the floor is ready to soak up blood, and here come the players
Bob: Due to a nasty blow in his previous match Bral the Red is sitting this one out
Jim: 7 casulties in 10 games means he will be a major miss for the steelers and the fans
Bob: Dwarfs kick and the match begins, and it looks as if the Rams are going for an all out weighted offence with those nasty Black Orcs punching the Minnors in to the ground
Jim: Lug or more affectionatly know to the fans as Kool Hands, has pickd up the ball and move to the left flank waitng for an opening
Bob: And There it Is Jim, Grashnak has knocked the Dwarf lineman flying and a gaping hole has apperard in the Steelers Defence, Kool realeases the ball which is caught smoothly by Griznak
Jim: The Orcs Fans Cheer as he gallops towards the end zone, but whats this Dwarf Blitzer Celfe has broken away from his marker and runs stright at... Owch thats gonna hurt
Bob: Yes the Orc Fans go wild as Griznak Scores a touchdown by spiking the ball in to the prone Dwarfs face
Bob: Rams Kick lands nicley for tor the dwarf Runner who picks it up and runs towards the right flank
Jim: Celfe has smashed his way down the Rams Left Flank and is standing on there touch line and shouting for the ball. Karnvor sees this and cocks back his arm for a throw... but wait somethings caught his eye and the ball drops from his hands.
Bob: Thats right jim one of those lovely Orc fans has blown him a kiss and shown a bit of cleavage
Jim: thats right and poor celfe is gonna suffer for this summers love as Uruk Blitzis him into the crowd, and there goes his head
Bob: Wrong Jim, thats just his helmet whare has the dwarf gone?
Jim: Over there the Dwarf Coach is pulling something out from under the stands and yes it looks to me to be Celfe, however I don't think he will be playing again this match
Bob: and during that little scene the Orcs have scored another touch down and it looks to me that Black Orc Bolg is carying the limp body of Dwarf Blocker Kedin and thrown him into the Steelers Dug Out
Jim: How considerate of Him
2nd HALF
Bob: the players come on to the pitch and the steelers seem badly out numbered, this might explain the Right Weighted set up
Jim: Orcs Kick and whats this...
Bob: the Rams Fans have decided to get in on the action and they knocking the dwarf players around like some giant pin ball machine...
Jim: Finally the Refs get the Fans back to the seats and we can begin, sadly however it looks like the Dwarf players may take some time getting up to there feet, but still they do in great dwarf tradtion as the remaining 8 dwarfs hammer into the orc opponets.
Bob: Look Jim Silem just snapped the neck of Gorken.
Jim: Thats gonne leave a mark in the morning but with a quick snap back in the oppersite direction by the Rams apothecary and he is good to go
Bob: thats Orcs for you, a broken neck has never stopped us before
Jim: as long as your brething of course
Bob: never Stopped you
Jim: touche
Bob: and the Rams score another easy touch down and another as all the Steelers seem to care about is doing dammage to the Rams as the fouls rain down.
Jim: Finall score 4-0 Rams
Bob: and 2-1 Rams