“Well, the game started right off with a very inauspicious death -- Helen, on the first move off the first turn of the game was killed by Bind. After her death, she was quite willing to join the Necros. Since the kick went long, I had Hans start off with the ball, and with the performances I'd been seeing in the last couple games (ELVES?!?!), I had the guys box that ball right on up while I tried to figure out what to do. I got nervous when they started boxing me in around the middle of the half, and was frantic to find a way out. Fortunately, the Femmes left Oliver uncovered, and I was able to have Hans break out and throw a pass to him. Amazingly enough, he caught it and ran it in for a score. 1-0 Necros.
I had the guys lay up the rest of the first half, trying to just hold the score at 1-0, which worked well.
The second half showed that Helen was Not Having A Good Day. Again, on the first turn of the half, she was taken out after losing an eye (and failing to regenerate) -- she decided she'll be sitting out the next game as well, if she even decides to come back for it at all. The only good news was Eve knocked herself out after going after Helen. Trying to continue his performance, Bind then KOd Cleoptra. A few plays later, the Femmes dropped the ball and I had the guys scramble down to the far corner of the field to try to at least make things rough for getting it back up off the ground. Hans managed to recover, but then got knocked out and dropped the ball when he was removed from the field. Lots of pushing, but the guys managed to knock down everyone around the ball (and they managed to smash Circe's ankle in the process -- I don't think she'll be running as well for a long time), and Oliver picked it up and ran. And stopped right before the goal. What the heck was he thinking? I'm not sure what he was thinking, but I now know that Athena was so distraught over the whole ordeal that she decided to end her own life. And she didn't even want to join the Necros!
Since Oliver wasn't moving (something about him deserving a 2 play break every half or something), I had the other guys move to protect him. The blockade worked well enough when Ishtar tried to push through (taking him out for the rest of the game), but it didn't work well enough to keep Clytemnestera from knocking Oliver into the end zone. Fortunately he kept hold of the ball, and we were now up 2-0.
After that hit on Oliver, the guys were out for some Amazon blood -- they surrounded the only player that hadn't run away, and Flay ended up breaking Freyja's neck on the last play of the game.
They fought well, those Amazons. And I can still hear Nuffle laughing, laughing in my head. I am not looking forward to finding out what he is laughing about this time...
I had the guys lay up the rest of the first half, trying to just hold the score at 1-0, which worked well.
The second half showed that Helen was Not Having A Good Day. Again, on the first turn of the half, she was taken out after losing an eye (and failing to regenerate) -- she decided she'll be sitting out the next game as well, if she even decides to come back for it at all. The only good news was Eve knocked herself out after going after Helen. Trying to continue his performance, Bind then KOd Cleoptra. A few plays later, the Femmes dropped the ball and I had the guys scramble down to the far corner of the field to try to at least make things rough for getting it back up off the ground. Hans managed to recover, but then got knocked out and dropped the ball when he was removed from the field. Lots of pushing, but the guys managed to knock down everyone around the ball (and they managed to smash Circe's ankle in the process -- I don't think she'll be running as well for a long time), and Oliver picked it up and ran. And stopped right before the goal. What the heck was he thinking? I'm not sure what he was thinking, but I now know that Athena was so distraught over the whole ordeal that she decided to end her own life. And she didn't even want to join the Necros!
Since Oliver wasn't moving (something about him deserving a 2 play break every half or something), I had the other guys move to protect him. The blockade worked well enough when Ishtar tried to push through (taking him out for the rest of the game), but it didn't work well enough to keep Clytemnestera from knocking Oliver into the end zone. Fortunately he kept hold of the ball, and we were now up 2-0.
After that hit on Oliver, the guys were out for some Amazon blood -- they surrounded the only player that hadn't run away, and Flay ended up breaking Freyja's neck on the last play of the game.
They fought well, those Amazons. And I can still hear Nuffle laughing, laughing in my head. I am not looking forward to finding out what he is laughing about this time...
-- Coach Sorri”